Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Sacred or the Profane – Day 334 Through the Bible

Our Daily Reminder:  Daniel 5:25 writing on a storage shed as we drive into our historic hometown of Burnsville, NC, from the South Toe River Valley, where Mt. Celo Church is located.  The image is from Nebuchanezzar’s dream that Daniel interpreted as eschatological prophecy in Daniel 2.
My Meditations on Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

Key Words / Phrases: I have heard that you; he knelt down, prayed and gave thanks to His God as was his custom since early days; give interpretations, explain enigmas, interpret dreams, until he knew that God rules, whomever He chooses, jealousy envy, consulted together, for His mercy endures forever (x 17), secretly bring in destructions, heresies, condemn, exploit, covet, corrupt

Judgment and Mercy: Weighed and Found Wanting / Weighed and Found Righteous – Daniel 5 and 6 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) The Writing on the Wall:  Nebuchadnezzar is dead and his hard earned lessons of knowing God with him.  His son Belshazzar is now king of Babylon and giving a feast.  He orders the sacred vessels taken from God’s house during the Judean captivity to be brought to the feast.  He and his guests drink wine from the holy vessels as they “give praise to the gods of gold and silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone.”  In the same hour…"a man’s hand"writes on the wall near a lampstand in the palace where the once arrogant, profane king can see and now trembles: “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.”  The Interpretation: The king becomes distraught when none of his wise men, astrologers, or soothsayers can interpret the dream.  The queen reminds him of the man of God, Daniel, who was honored by the king’s father for his wisdom and interpretations of dreams and visions.  Daniel is called in, reminds the king of the humbling and exalting of King Nebruchanezzar by God, accuses King Belshazzar of not humbling himself, for praising idols rather than God, of profaning God’s holy things, of not remembering what happened to his father the king and the wisdom of God his father finally learned.  Daniel then gives the interpretation of the writing on the wall.  MENE, MENE: “God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it.” TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.”  UPHARSIN (PERES): “Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians. Result: “That very night Belshazzar the king was slain and Dairius, the Mede, received the kingdom, at the age of about 62.”  King Darius Honors Daniel: Daniel is named one of 3 governors over the Babylonian kingdom.  Daniel distinguished himself above the other 2 governors…because…an excellent spirit was in him.”  Jealousy / Envy / Plotting:  Human nature has never changed through the centuries.  The other satraps and governors plotted together to bring Daniel down from his exalted place.  They could find no fault with him, so they entrapped him and the king by getting the king to agree to throw anyone into the lion’s den who petitions another god or king for 30 days. Of course, the men had been spying on Daniel and knew “he knelt down on his knees…prayed and gave thanks before His God…as was his custom…since early days.”  They informed on Daniel; the king asked Daniel the truth, and Daniel readily admitted his daily worship of God.  The king sought to deliver Daniel and “was greatly displeased within himself” for having been the cause of Daniel’s demise.  David is thrown in the den with the lions while the king spends a sleepless night fasting.  When the king rushes the next morning to see if Daniel’s God has saved him, Daniel says, “O king, live forever!  My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you.” The Tables are Turned:  Those who accused Daniel were themselves thrown into the lions’ den together with their wives and children.  All were killed.  The king made a decree that all in his realm must worship the “living God of Daniel…Who is steadfast forever…Whose kingdom shall never be destroyed…Whose dominion shall endure to the end…Who delivers…and rescues…who works signs…and wonders in heaven and earth...and who delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.  Principle: This is the power of God’s Spirit in one man to move the hearts of a nation and a king to belief in God – whether for destruction in judgment or honor in righteousness.

His Mercy Endures Forever – Psalm 136: 10-26 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Remembering Our History With God:  The Psalmist recounts the merciful intervention of God's saving hand in the lives of His people from the plagues of Egypt, through the Exodus and wilderness journey.  17 times in these few verses alone, the psalmist reminds himself and us that God’s mercy endures forever. Principle: This is what God – through the prophets and apostles - urges us to do throughout the Bible: remember, recall what God has done in our personal and collective history.  He is a God of both love and judgment, but how blessed we are that He is also a God of mercy…and He calls us likewise to be merciful.  “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:13

Mercy in the Midst of Temptations – 2 Peter 1 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Warning of False Teachers: Peter is nearing the end of his life and is warning believers that there…will be…false teachers among them.  They will 1) deny the Lord, 2) follow their destructive ways, 3) blaspheme the truth, 4) By…covetousness…will…exploit…you…with deceptive words.  But God:  “The Lord knows how…to deliver…the godly out of temptations and…to reserve…the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. – especially those who 1) walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, 2) who despise authority, 3) who are presumptuous,  4) self-willed, 5) who are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries, 5) who speak evil of things they do not understand…and will utterly perish in their own corruption, 6) carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, 7) having eyes full of adultery, 8) a heart trained in covetous practices…enticing unstable souls.  While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption., for by whom a person is overcome, by him he is also brought into bondage.  Principle:  People who encourage us to join them in their sin are like junkies who encourage people to join them in their drug habit.  They promise a good time and a real high, but in fact they are trapped in a destructive lifestyle.  Charles Stanley, Life Principles Daily Bible, pg. 1460.

My Lessons and Applications:  Why do we continually choose to listen to, idolize, partner with the wrong people in life?  Why are we taken in by advertising? “We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”  Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness.  We need to renew our minds through the Word and transform our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit - and like Daniel, commit to and live out our lives of faith to honor God and impact our world for Him.  Daniel did this by strengthening himself through prayer. This is Charles Stanley’ Life Principle # 17 (Life Principle Daily Bible – pg. 1457):  “We stand tallest and strongest on our knees.  Jeremiah 33:3  “Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” 1) Prayer is the most powerful tool a believer has.  2) Don’t worry about what to say.  The Holy Spirit will show you.  3) God is bigger than any problem you face. 4) Commit to a special prayer time. 5) Choose a definite time and place and be consistent.  6) Prayer is the doorway to blessing and freedom from bondage. 7) Put on your armor (Ephesians 6:10-17) and stand firm in your faith.  Know that this is only possible through prayer and complete reliance on Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. 8) Keep a prayer journal.  Pray for specific verses that apply to your situation. Write out your need and how God answers your prayers.  There is no place you will feel more accepted or secure than in the presence of God.  All of this and much more waits for you as you come to Him.” 

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