Monday, December 2, 2013

Prophecy and Our Response - Day 335 Through the Bible

The Community Thanksgiving Meal at Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church in our small historic hometown of Burnsville, NC – near Mt. Celo Church.  People from the community volunteered to help as well, as 1,200 people of every walk and station of life celebrated the essence of Thanksgiving together – free.  This was the 11th year that this local church has continued its gospel mission outreach to our community with this holiday meal and Coat Closet.
My Meditations on Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

Key Words/Phrases: vision by night, 4 beasts, the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, until the Ancient of Days came, a ram, a male goat, the end of time, created/preserved/reserved by the Word until, stir up, remember, do not forget

Daniel’s Own Visions of Prophecy of the End Times – Daniel 7 and 8 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized)  The Four Beasts and the Heavenly Trial: In a night vision Daniel saw 4 great beasts…come up from the sea. 1) The first was like a lion…with eagle’s wings…wings are plucked off…beast is made to stand on two feet like a man…a man’s heart was given to it. 2) like a bear…raised up on one side…3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth…”they said thus to it: ‘Arise and devour much flesh!”’ 3) like a leopard…had on its back 4 wings like a bird…four heads…dominion was given to it.  4) the fourth was…different from the other 3… dreadful…terrible…exceedingly strong…with huge iron teeth…devouring, breaking in pieces and trampling the residue.  It had 10 horns, and another…little horn…with the eyes of a man…and a mouth speaking pompous words…came up and plucked out 3 of the first horns.  Then a trial takes place in heaven.  The Ancient of Days is on the throne with innumerable numbers around him.  The last beast is slain and burned.  The other beasts “had their dominions taken away but had their lives spared for a season and a time.  One like the Son of God comes before the Ancient of Days.  To Him was given dominion…glory…and a kingdom…THAT…all peoples…nations…and languages…should serve Him in His kingdom…that is….everlasting…never destroyed…does not pass away…is everlasting.The Interpretation:  Daniel is grieved and asks for an interpretation.  The 4 beasts = 4 kings which arise out of the earth…BUT…"the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.  The Further Truth and Judgment Revealed: The little horn with pompous words…makes war against the saints…prevailing against them…until…the Ancient of Days comes…and…a judgment is made…in favor of the saints of the Most High…and the time comes…for the saints to possess the kingdom.  The Ram and The Male Goat:  A ram came out of the River Ulai…with 2 horns …one higher than the other…the ram pushed west, north and south…no animal could withstand him…no one could deliver from his hand…he became great and did according to his will.  Suddenly…a male goat came from the west…across the whole surface of the earth…without its feet touching the ground…with a notable horn between its eyes…He came at the ram with furious power…broke his 2 horns…and destroyed him.  The male goat became great…the large horn broke and 4 notable ones came from the 4 winds…a little one that became exceedingly great toward the south and the Glorious Land...grew up to heaven…and cast down some of the host and stars to the ground and trampled them.  He exalted himself as the Prince of the host…took away the daily sacrifices…cast truth down to the ground…and he prospered.  How long? Daniel is told the desecration will last for 2,300 days. Gabriel’s Interpretation to Daniel: The angel Gabriel interprets the vision:  “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end.  The ram with 2 horns – they are the kings of Media and Persia.  The male goat is the kingdom of Greece.  The first horn is the first king.  The 4 smaller are the subsequent kingdoms but with less power…and the latter that reached to heaven…1) when the transgressors have reached their fullness...2) a king shall arise with sinister schemes, 3) with great power, but not his own, he shall destroy, 3) he shall prosper and thrive, 4) he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people, 4) through his cunning, deceit shall prosper, 5) he shall exalt himself in his heart, 6) destroy many in their prosperity, 7) He shall even arise against the Prince of princes…but 8) he shall be broken without human meansI, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days…was astonished by the vision…but no one understood it.  Principle: God’s Plan has been from the foundation of the world.  The Creator becomes part of the Creation to save ruined humankind.  Evil is ultimately destroyed…but without human means.  This has all been foretold hundreds of years before fulfillment.  Some prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. 

Be Mindful of Prophecy – 2 Peter 3 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Remember Prophecy in Spite of Scoffers: “I stir up your pure minds…by way of reminder…that…you may be mindful of…the words which were spoken before…by the holy prophets…and…of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior…knowing…this first: that scoffers…will come…in the last days…walking according to their own lusts and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’  For this they fully forget: the word of God…the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished…being flooded with water.  But the heavens and the earth…which are now preservedby the same wordare reserved…for fire until…the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.  Why the delay? But…beloved…do not forget this one thing: that with the Lord 1 day is as a 1000 years, and a 1000 years as 1 day.  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness…but is longsuffering…toward us…not willing that…any…should perish…but that…all…should come to repentance.  What will happen? But…the Lord…will come…as a thief in the night…in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise…and the elements will melt with fervent heat…both the earth and the works that are in it…will be burned up. How, Then, Shall We Now Be? "THEREFORE, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be…in holy conduct…and godlinesslooking for…and hastening…the coming of the day of God…because of which…the heavens will be dissolved…being on fire…and the elements will melt…with fervent heat?  Nevertheless…we…according to His promise…look for new heavens…and a new earth…in which…righteousness dwells.  THEREFORE…beloved…looking forward…to these things, 1) be diligent…to be found by Hiim….in peace, 2) without spot and blameless, 3) beware…lest you also fall from your own steadfastness…being led away by the error of the wicked, 4) but grow…in the grace…and knowledge…of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Principle:  Remember, be mindful of, stir up the words in our minds of the prophecy given to us.  Because of prophecy…be steadfast in our faith, "in peace, full of the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."  Know His Word.  Live His Word.  Take His Word to the World. (Our Great Commission given by our Lord:  Matthew 28:16:20)

My Lessons and Applications:  Possibly one of the greatest disservices is telling people to just read the Bible.  That is not enough.  We must meditate on the Word, the whole counsel of Scripture in its entirety, while allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives by His Word.  What is meditation in this context? It has come to me to mean a deep, communal prayer time with in-depth learning and studying – at the feet of Jesus…actually listening, talking, reading, and writing back to Him as I would to my favorite teacher or friend…pouring out my heart – the wounds, brokenness, questions, hopes and visions.  It is allowing time…in His presence…before the Throne of Grace…to quieten my soul, my mind, and to let my spirit commune with His Spirit, to hear Him speak His revealed Word to me – to renew my mind – to allow Him to transform my life as I submit my will to His will.  It is getting to know Him and love Him more and more…His character…His Plan…His sovereignty…His providence…whether or not I can understand it all ( Daniel 8:272 Peter 3:15-16).  It is allowing the Savior of the world to be the Lord of my life.

To Him…be the glory…both now and forevermore.  Amen (2 Peter 3:18)

Dear believer, you look forward with true anticipation to the time you will join the saints above in giving Jesus the glory due Him, but are you glorifying Him now? Why not make this your prayer today?  "Lord, help me to glorify You.  I am poor – help me to glorify you through contentment. I am sick – help me to honor You through patience. I have talents – help me to praise You by using them for You.  I have time, Lord – help me to redeem it by using it to serve You.  I have a heart to feel – let me feel no love but Yours, and let my heart glow with no flame buy my affection for You.  I have a brain to think – help me to think of You.  Lord, you have put me in this world for a reason – show me what that is and help me work out my life purpose.  I can’t do much, but as the widow put in her two mites – which was everything she had – I place my time and eternity into Your Treasury. (Luke 21:1-4)  Lord, I am Yours – take me and enable me to glorify You now in everything I say, in everything I do, and with all I have.”  Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

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