Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Mercy Seat and Jesus Christ - Day 44 Through the Bible

Several of us from Mt. Celo Church have gone together to Riverside Park in nearby Spruce Pine to enjoy a performance of the Montreat Scottish Pipes and Drums.  There is a strong Scottish heritage among the people of our area. 

The Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant / Jesus Christ / Shekinah Glory and Forgiveness
Today's Exodus and Matthew readings once again demonstrate the importance of knowing the Old Testament in order to more fully understand the New Testament.  In Exodus God has called Bezalel to design the parts of the temple for worship - putting His spirit in Bezalel (Exodus 31:2-5).  The mercy seat is above the ark (Hebrew - arown - coffin).  In the ark is the law - the Ten Commandments; Aaron's rod - God's power behind the priesthood of Aaron/Levites ; some of the manna - God's provision.  The mercy seat covered the ark.  This is where the sacrificial blood was sprinkled, where forgiveness was granted.  All of this is where the Shekinah glory of God met with sinful man.  In the ark are reminders of His interventions with us in order for sinful man to meet with a holy God - a shadow of things to come, of the passion and purpose of the prophesied Messiah.  In Matthew we are coming to the unjust trials of Jesus.  His ministry on earth is coming to an end, the Last Supper has been held, and the sacrificial Blood of the Lamb of God is soon to be shed - as an atonement for our sins (1 John 2:2)- once and for all (Hebrews 10).  Jesus is our High Priest - now making intercession continually before God for us (Hebrews 7:25) - not once a year as did Aaron.  The veil has been torn between the Holy of Holies and sinful man.  Now we have the high and holy privilege to come to God's throne as His kings and priests (Hebrews 10:19, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Revelation 5:10 ) - for intercession and guidance, for fellowship and communion - all made possible through the mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

My Lesson and Application:
Oh, to Grace, how great a debtor, daily I'm constrained to be!" (from Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing)

More on Bezalel from Hebrew Streams
The Mercy Seat - Charles Stanley, Life Principles Daily Study Bible - pg. 158

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