Saturday, February 9, 2013

Great is Our Lord!---Day 40 Through the Bible

                                        "Great is our Lord and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
                                                    Who covers the heaven with clouds, who prepares rain for the earth, 
                                                       who makes grass to grow upon the mountains" (Psalm 149:5, 8).

February 9

What application to our personal lives can we make in regards to the scriptures in Exodus 29 and 30?
2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". These chapters are no exception and contain profitable lessons that are waiting to be searched out. In these passages in Exodus we find God's instructions for the consecration of Aaron and his sons for ministering to Him as priests. God specifically covers every detail involved in the offerings, sacrifices, and ceremonies. With God, there is never a hint of slackness or cutting corners. We could spend a great deal of time studying the details of these instructions and come away in awe as we see the symbolism of God's plan and purposes for eternity. We can reference many of these verses in Exodus to verses in the New Testament that reveal spiritual parallels. There was nothing "easy" about carrying out the instructions God gave to Moses--they required a tremendous amount of time and attention. I am left with the question: How much time and attention do I give to spiritual matters in my life?

I need to give careful attention to the spiritual side of my life. Each time I come before God, I need to ask Him to help me properly hallow His name before I begin my prayers. I need to focus on who God is and realize I am coming before the King of the Universe and yet be excited that He is my Father! I think studying these chapters on ceremony and what God required, gives me a much greater appreciation of God's holiness. When I read about the animal sacrifices and atonement that was made once a year, I have to ask myself whether I am flippant about the sacrifice Christ made for my sins?  Do I really desire to give my best to God? And, is the life of the sacrifice of Christ evident in my life in what I listen to, what I do, and where I go? (The blood of the animal sacrifice was applied to Aaron and his sons on their right ears, thumbs, and great toes.)

There are so many phrases and verses that have parallel spiritual lessons. These become evident when we reference them with other scriptures. These are just a few subjects we could do in-depth studies on:
-washing with water
-Exodus 29:33, "They shall eat those things with which the atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them."
-Exodus 29:43, "the tabernacle shall be sanctified by My glory."
-I am the Lord their God
-"where I will meet with you"
-perpetual incense before the Lord
-the horns of the altar 
-"quality spices"  myrrh cinnamon cane cassia to make a holy anointing oil
-Exodus 30:32, "it is holy and shall be holy to you"
-incense (representative of our prayers): salted, pure and holy; beaten very fine
-the mingling of blood (sacrifice of Jesus) with oil (symbolic of the Holy Spirit)

We might ask how we can appreciate the holiness of God when we live in a culture that is practically devoid of ceremony. God breathed these chapters in Exodus for us for a reason. When we study the Tabernacle and its furnishings, we will no doubt come away with a tremendous appreciation and awe for the things of God.  (Arthur W. Pink's Writings is an excellent resource for doing such a study.)

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