Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Outward Working of an Inward Reality - Day 37 Through the Bible

Pisgah Sunrise - Blue Ridge Parkway - "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)
Inward Reality vs. Outward Pretense  Our lives do give testimony to our faith - either in hypocrisy or in faithfulness.  God's commands to the nation Israel in the Genesis 21-22 account and Jesus' dealings with the Pharisees and scribes in Matthew 23:23-39 speak of this outward working of the inward reality of belief in God (or lack thereof).  Note the warnings in Genesis to separate ourselves from evil people and deeds: "Do not put your hand with the wicked...or turn aside after many to pervert be an unrighteous show partiality in a dispute...take no bribe (it blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous!) not oppress a stranger"...and then the important relationship with God...feasts...sacrifices...caring of the land and poor - the promise of blessings for keeping these relationships with God and man in accordance with His Word.  Then in Matthew, note that it is the established religious group (Pharisees and scribes) coming under Jesus's wrath.  He does not mince words.  So much for "doormat Christianity"... you hypocrites... whitewashed tombs, brood of vipers..serpents...blind...full of extortion and self-indulgence...making show of unimportant rituals but neglecting what is truly important - justice, mercy and faith.  You appear outwardly righteous to man but inside you are are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
My Lesson and Application  This is the most likely reason the church has lost so much effectiveness in the present generation.  If you have spoken with any agnostics or atheists- even many believers - this hypocrisy (professing vs. possessing faith -Spurgeon) is what has turned most people away from Christianity and the church - scandals with church leaders, religion for monetary gain or power, political exploitation of Biblical principles - hypocritical lives using the Word of God for worldly gain.  The opposite of this may be just as true - Christians are perceived as weak, impotent, easily controlled - bringing to mind the infamous quote of Karl Marx, "Christianity is the opiate of the masses."  Am I listless, sedated, allowing all injustices, allowing suffering, waiting for heaven to right all -"pie in the sky by and by" thinking?  Jesus was not like this.  Am I?  Do I stand against what is Biblically evil. Am I "mistaken not knowing the Scripture nor the power of God?" (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees in Matt 22:29)  I must KNOW Scripture, apply it and live in God's power - not according to the philosophy of this world.  Am I concerned with what man sees or thinks or with what God says and with His glory?  Am I mistaking free grace for cheap grace?

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