Monday, February 18, 2013

Compromise or Commitment? Day 49 Through the Bible

This is a photo by the USFWS Southeast of the Eco-Club of our lone county high school, Mountain Heritage High School.  This is the South Toe River which flows through our county and near Mt. Celo Church.
Today we begin the second of the NT gospels - the book of Mark.  On February 1st - just a few weeks ago - at UNC Chapel Hill - Dallas Theological Seminary Professor of New Testament studies - Daniel Wallace - announced the reported recent discovery of some artifacts of the Gospel of Mark dating back to the 1st Century - "during the time of eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection."

Today's Readings

Compromise for the Sake of Unity - Dr. Stanley says in the Life Principles Daily Bible (pg. 206) that willingness to compromise - to keep the peace - was one of Aaron's weaknesses.  The tragedy is that he was the High Priest, both a sacred honor and a tremendous responsibility for Israel's holiness.  He not only kowtowed to the people's wishes for a golden calf (idolatry), but fashioned it himself, then lied to Moses that the calf just appeared out of the fire!  We will see later where 2 of his sons - also priests - are instantly struck dead by God for disobedience in carrying out the minutiae of His holy ordinances.

My Lessons and Application
This temptation of compromise for the sake of unity is something we as kings and priests (1 Peter 2) are faced with continually today.  Jesus warns us to keep first things first - "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."  (Matthew 6:33) Our tendency is to compromise ethical considerations for the sake of making a living, for not disrupting family harmony, for not offending anyone in the church by preaching the whole counsel of God.  Christ does emphasize the importance of unity - but not at all costs.  There are times when we must take a stand against unrighteousness - for His kingdom.  Aaron failed in this, and he and his sons were spending 7 days in consecration at the tabernacle to make atonement for this compromise with the world - that cost 3000 Israelite lives, a severe consequence.  Two of his sons will not learn this lesson now, and God will immediately strike them dead at their next compromise of His commands.

Beloved and Tempted, But No Compromise - (Mark 1: 10-13) This is a wonderful reminder to me that God will allow me to face temptation - sometimes it may be severe and unrelenting.  Note that "immediately" after Christ's baptism and God's words to Him, "You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased", the Spirit drives Him into the wilderness - to tempt Him for 40 days and 40 nights.  So, temptation is NOT evidence that I am not loved of God, nor has He forsaken me.  It is just the opposite.  He is using me - us - in spiritual battles for His glory, His purposes.  The book of Job drives this lesson home emphatically.

Called and Committed - No Compromise - The apostles Simon, Andrew, James and John are called away to follow Jesus - away from family, from their livelihoods, from their Jewish traditions - and note that "they immediately left their nets and followed Him" compromise, no vacillating.

My Lessons and Applications
How Do I Learn This Wisdom?  Proverbs 9 has been telling me this since chapter 1. In today's reading:  "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10)  Aaron learned this the hard way.  Two of his sons never learned it.   Have I?  The fear of Him - both in love and respect of Him and as Holy, Just God - I have learned.  I have begun the walk toward greater wisdom.  This study of His Word and time alone with Him, in continual prayer with Him, is to "grow me up" in knowledge of Him - to have this sacred and holy understanding - very different from the world's wisdom.  Will my love and commitment to the LORD cause me to stand fast for Him, to bring Him honor and glory?  Will I hear Him say to me that I am His beloved child in whom He is well pleased?  Am I following in my Master's footsteps?

I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church.  Charles H. Spurgeon

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