Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Enthusiasm for God!--Day 43 Through the Bible

                                                           The desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
                                             It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing.
                                                                                           (Isaiah 35:1,2)

February 12

My prayer this morning is that God might be glorified by the meditations of our hearts as we read His Word. God is a mystery to many, a Father to His children, and the Creator of the Universe. He has promised that His Word would not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). May we receive from His Word--through His Holy Spirit--the message He has breathed for us and may we come away from this study with increased understanding and joy.

Do I allow God to "stir my heart"?  Is my spirit willing to do what God asks? Exodus 35 is a showcase for what can be accomplished when people respond to God and work together with willing hearts. The people gave so much for the tabernacle that it was "too much". Every morning they came with their "freewill offerings" for the sanctuary until Moses had to command them to stop. The Bible tells us God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Dr. Stanley makes this comment, "God loves cheerful, willing, and self-motivated giving because it demonstrates a genuine devotion to and a vibrant connection with Him".
We can measure our connection with God by how much enthusiasm we have for Him. Do I have to "force" myself to serve God or do I awaken in the morning eager to begin my day and joyful for my relationship with God? Am I energized by my walk with God--stirred in my heart, in my innermost being? Can you imagine what our churches could be like if every member of the congregation eagerly and willingly used their abilities and talents for God's glory?

The Bible gives us not only "food for thought", but food for prayer. As we read today's Scripture passages, ask God to bring to our minds what we need to pray for--for ourselves, for those in our lives, and those in our congregations. Ask God to give us vibrant connections with Him. Pray for willing hearts and ask God to stir us by His Spirit. We need to be filled with the Spirit of God in wisdom, understanding, and in knowledge--just as God filled Bezalel so that he could accomplish God's purpose.

In Psalm 22:3, God is described as being "enthroned in the praises of Israel". "Enthrone" means to elevate or exalt. Do we honor God in this way?  Do we trust Him for things and then rejoice and praise Him when He delivers?  Do we ask Him to be involved in our lives? Do we watch for His hand and His Presence--do we anticipate His help? Ask God to give us vision so that we can see what this stirring in our hearts can accomplish for Him.

If you want "excellent things" (Proverbs 8:6), come to know God. His Word is filled with so many excellent things we can never take them all in--we cannot scratch the surface even in our daily Bible studies. There could be pages written on each study. It is exciting to me to know that I can continually learn about God for the rest of my life and never learn all there is to know about Him. And the more I learn, the more He is endeared to me. There will be valleys, times of sorrow and trials, but God reassures us that He will NEVER leave us (Hebrews 13:5). We will go through trials and problems anyway--so why not ask Him to go with us? He is "a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). And, He will remain the same for eternity--full of love and tender mercy for us (James 5:11). Proverbs goes on to tell us that God's "wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her".

Matthew 26: Jesus agonizes in a place called Gethsemane. We cannot imagine what He must have experienced. He knew what was coming. He knew there was physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual agony waiting for Him during the coming hours. He would suffer betrayal by His "friend". His disciples would scatter. Although Peter was insistent he would never deny Jesus, he would come to see that Jesus knew him better than he even knew himself. Because of Jesus' words to Peter, something as common as the crowing of a rooster in the morning hours would take on new meaning after this day that marked history.

May God be enthroned in our hearts and in our praises! May we hunger for Him and drink the cup of the New Covenant. May we experience the "vibrant connection" that results in enthusiasm and zeal for Him! May we be energized by knowing Him. May we "take the cup of salvation" (Psalms 116:13), and share in Jesus' anticipation for the time "when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom"! (We have so much to pray about!)

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