Sunday, February 3, 2013

Forgetting to Remember - Day 34 Through the Bible

The South Toe River in Celo and Firefly Farm's annual Repast by the River - menu featuring farm produce.  The ASAP farm and river are near Mt. Celo Church.

Moses/Christ/The Rock at Meribah- This is more symbolism carried from the OT throughout the NT.  This is the first "striking" of the rock by Moses to provide water for the complaining people. (The second is in Numbers 20:13).  Moses will not be allowed to enter the Promised Land because of his disobedience to God in the second event. We will want to keep this lesson in mind as we continue through the Bible in a year to grasp the importance of the OT in order to fully understand the NT."One finds the identification of our Lord Jesus Christ as the "Rock" throughout scripture (e.g., Deut.32:4; Ps.118:22; Is.8:13-15; 28:16; Dan.2:34-45; Matt.16:18; 1Pet.2:4-8), and Paul tells us explicitly that the Rock from which Israel drank was most definitely a "type of Christ", that is, the Rock is meant to represent the Messiah and the eternal life through faith in the truth about Him which flows from Him like life-giving water (1Cor.10:4)." From Christ the Rock...
My Lesson from this:  The people tempted the LORD by asking, "Is the LORD among us or not?"  This was occasioned by the lack of "potable" water.  The water they found was too bitter to drink.  Moses takes this to the LORD, who tells him to strike the rock that the people may have life-giving water.  I can empathize with the people here - too much has gone wrong as they seek to follow God - more cruelty and oppression when they seek to leave Egypt, pursued by the cruel army of Pharaoh, wandering in a wilderness without food - now without water.  But...they forgot to remember...God had intervened miraculously each time to save them.  New signs of God's presence were constantly needed to restore their faith.  Do I submit to God in humility - trusting Him, His Word even when my circumstances look as though He has forsaken me?  Do I ...forget to remember.. His past faithfulness, His right to my life for His purposes?  Does my life glorify God or cause Him more pain and dishonor?

Impact of Teaching on Kingdom Work - Moses was remonstrated for trying to do too much himself instead of teaching others so they might share in the work and not become "worn out." (Ex. 18:20 teach them..) Jesus was called Teacher - even by His enemies - and spent much of His time on earth teaching: (Matt 22:16)"We know that You are true, and teach the way of God in truth." We need to know the "complete counsel of God" in the Scriptures - both from our own study and from our church leaders (Psalm 18...For You will light my lamp....enlighten my darkness...God arms me...sets me, teaches me." Throughout Scripture we are commanded to teach our children these truths as well - throughout the generations. 
My Lesson from this:  Am I both teaching and learning from God's Word - daily - in order to further Kingdom work?

Six Things God Hates / 7 That are an Abomination to Him (Prov. 6: 16-19) - 1) a proud look; 2) a lying tongue; 3) hands that shed innocent blood; 4) a heart that devises wicked plans; 5) feet that are swift in running to evil; 6) a false witness who speaks lies; 7) and one who sows discord among brethren. hmmm...the face, the tongue, the heart, the hands, the feet, witnessing and sowing in evil
My Lesson from this:  Discern these things in myself or others...My prayer, Father: Search me, O God, and know my heart;
 Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me,
 And lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 23-24

The Marriage Feast of the Son/ of the Lamb:  (Matt. 22 and Rev 19)  the parable...the promise
From the parable... "Then he said to his servants: the wedding is ready but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite them to the wedding.  "Many are called, but few are chosen," says Jesus.  My Lesson: Our part is to invite.  His part is to choose and call. From the promise...'"Attending the wedding feast will be not only the Church as the bride of Christ, but others as well. The "others" include Old Testament saints who are going to be raised at the Second Coming, as well as the martyred dead of the Tribulation. As the angel told John to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Revelation 19:9). The marriage supper of the Lamb is a glorious celebration of all who are in Christ!"'  From: What is the marriage supper of the Lamb?  My Lesson: Our Part:  Answering His call;   His Part:  Enabling, empowering, providing for us now and throughout eternity.

"Grasping these rudiments and believing them will form the basis for a living and vibrant faith.  Error will be dispelled, and the authority and preeminence of the Lord Jesus will be established...The written Word is the authority on the Eternal Word, who is Jesus Christ." From Union Gospel Press "Preparing to Teach the Lesson" - February 3, 2013, pg. 136 of the Bible Expositor and Illuminator

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