Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Joyful Sound--Day 33 Through the Bible

                                                       The joyful sound of rippling water on Balsam Lake 
                                                       in Western North Carolina is enhanced by sparkling sunlight.

February 2

Exodus 15-16
Israel's exodus from Egypt would mark the beginning of 40 years wandering in the wilderness. They would literally go around in circles rather than listen to God. Israel's journey is not unlike our journey and God "breathed" the lessons of their story into His Word that we might see as it were--ourselves.

Exodus 15 begins with a joyful sound. Music was created by God and can consist of a simple tune or be as complex as a symphony orchestra. Music goes hand in hand with worship and helps connect us with God emotionally. Music serves to lift our whole being to God and can involve an array of emotions. The song Israel sang to the Lord here is one of joy and victory, recognizing God as their strength and song, their fathers' God, their God, and a man of war! However, the joyful sound would be short lived.

Israel was as carnal as the days were long. Israel is a lesson in trying to follow God in the flesh--without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit--and is proof that it cannot be done. Three days journey into the wilderness and Israel is having a break down and complaining to Moses. (It doesn't take US long to lose our "joyful sound" either.) Before long, Israel was longing for the flesh pots of Egypt and wishing they had died there. Moses had his work cut out for him and would have no doubt agreed that leading people can be compared to "herding cats".

Israel's basic problem was their failure to love God. (God is love and without His Spirit our hearts are hard and we are not remotely capable of unfailing love for anyone--much less for God!) Psalms 81 also celebrates the Exodus from Egypt and in verse 15, God says, "The haters of the Lord should have submitted themselves unto him". Without God's Spirit, we too, find ourselves in the same boat. Even with the Holy Spirit, we are in a constant battle to suppress our human nature. When we complain we are actually complaining against the Lord (Exodus 16:8), and there is no joyful sound for God's ears or for those nearby.

It is a challenge to live our lives "to the Lord". How many times does God remind us in His word that He is the Lord our God! As Believers, we cannot cruise along and expect to enjoy victorious living. We are in the midst of a battle and must listen for God's instructions and then follow Him, never losing sight of our Leader. In Colossians 3:23, God admonishes us, "And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men". Our focus is to be on a higher, spiritual level--unlike the Israelites who never ceased to be focused on themselves. Father, help my ears stay attuned to the joyful sound and help me always be aware of the shadow of your wings (Psalm 91)!

Psalms 18
Our righteousness in the sight of God is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). He mercifully clothes us with His righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). However, verse 20 says we will be rewarded according to the cleanness of our hands--this is not speaking of salvation, which is a gift and not a reward (Ephesians 2:9). We are blessed when we follow God. He does not lead us into lying, stealing, sexual immorality--but in paths of righteousness (Psalm 23). Sin has consequences, but following God's way results in physical as well as spiritual blessings. Verse 21 says, "For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God". Verse 23, "I was also blameless before Him, and I kept myself from my iniquity". Definitely a joyful sound!

Proverbs & Matthew
The religious leaders in Jesus' day practiced Proverbs 6:12-15, as they devised evil against Him continually. Jesus warned that whoever falls on the Chief Cornerstone would be broken, but on whomever the rejected Cornerstone falls will be ground to powder (Matt. 21:44). When the Pharisees realized Jesus was talking about them, they sought to "lay hands on Him". When scriptures apply to me and I see my sins, I need to fall on the Cornerstone and be broken, recognizing my need for His forgiveness. (The sound of being broken on the Chief Cornerstone is also a joyful sound.)

God says He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). We have so much for which to praise Him! How thankful we should be for the Comforter, Teacher, Counselor--"the Cloud", that He sends to dwell in us when we are saved. Without God's blessing of the Holy Spirit our lives would no doubt mirror the journey of unbelief that Israel embarked upon. We can rejoice daily in Psalms 89:15: "Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance"!

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