Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The "Right" Path That Leads to The Way of Death--Day 140 Through the Bible

 In today's study, Proverbs 16:25, can be applied to Amnon's situation in our reading in 2 Samuel. It also offers us insight about ourselves. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."  Amnon could not see clearly due to his obsession and lust for his sister Tamar.  As soon as he fulfilled his desire toward Tamar Amnon's emotions changed and he hated her with a hatred that was greater than the "love" with which he had loved her. Amnon's actions literally led to his eventual death. (God's Word was true even before it was put into writing!) We are emotional beings and we act on emotions that can change quickly. What we see as love or a real need--God may clearly see as lust and a path to destruction.

Having the mind of God can spare us from experiencing the fruits of vacillating emotions. Although David was a man after God's own heart, we see his family plagued with sorrow and grief.  Our pastor gave an excellent sermon this past Sunday which is available on audio on this blog.  In it, he covered Psalm 1 and the contrast between a godly person and an ungodly person.  He brought out the difference in being "happy" and being "blessed".  Although David was without doubt unhappy and grieved during periods in his life, the Psalms he wrote reveals that he was blessed in his dependence on, and his trust in God.

Although the writer of Psalm 66 is not identified, most Bible scholars attribute it to David as it is written in his usual style.  It was written to be read as a poem or to be put to music, thus, "To the Chief Musician, A Song, A Psalm", in its heading.  The subject is praise.  The key words of this Psalm include expressions used in worship: joyful, glorious, awesome, honor, praise.  The words accentuate God's greatness and power.  When we dwell on God's power and wisdom, it leads us to view situations from His perspective, rather than our limited viewpoint that is too often obscured by our changing emotions.  Having access to God's comprehensive point of view through the Holy Spirit and His Word is indeed a blessing and the path to wisdom.

In the book of John, we read that "Many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more" (John 8:66).  Their relationship with Him was evidently not as strong as other factors.  Verse 60 says that many of His disciples (probably some of the same ones we see leaving Him in verse 66) had said, "This is a hard saying; who can understand it?"  As Christians, is our goal to have perfect knowledge?  Is it to have a clear path laid out before us?  Is it to gain happiness?  Is Jesus going to disappoint us?  What if the Christian walk doesn't meet all our expectations?  Our connection, our expectations must focus on Jesus.  A relationship with Jesus must be what we want to gain as a Christian.  Jesus once told a would-be follower, the foxes have dens, the birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9:58).  It's not about materialism, comfort and happiness in this life, it's about our relationship with the Christ, the Son of the Living God (John 6:69)! 

Once we begin getting to know Him, we won't want to walk away, but we will see that trusting Him is the path to dwelling in the house of the Lord forever--regardless of what looks difficult or seems to go beyond our ability to understand. When we stand before God, we are not going to be quizzed on what we know.  It will all hinge on whether or not Jesus knows us and whether our sins have been covered with His sacrifice!  I have no doubt that God knows David and that his sins are forgiven.  I also have no doubt about where I stand with God--I will stand forgiven because of His love, His mercy, and His grace!  "Come and see (experience) the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men" (Psalm 66:5)!

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