Friday, May 3, 2013

Consequences of Failing at Fatherhood - Day 123 Through the Bible

Off the front porch of the cabin - near Mt. Celo Church

Sharing My Lessons From Time Alone With God in His Word and in Prayer

A King or THE KING - 1 Sam. 8 and 9 and Luke 23.  Human nature never changes - without the new birth, without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  In the OT account today, Israel (the elders!) demands a king of the prophet Samuel, of God...someone to lead them into they can be like all the nations...who may judge them..."we WILL have a king over us."  God sees this as a continued rejection of Him as their Battle Leader, as their Judge, as their King...just as they have rejected him since the Exodus...despite His miraculous interventions on their behalves.  This statement from the LORD cuts me to the quick every time I read it:  The LORD tells Samuel, "Heed the voice of the people in all they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them."  In Luke 23, Israel (the chief priests and the scribes!) is seeking a way to kill the King.  Jesus has become a threat to their power and control of the people.  It is by one of His own 12 that Jesus is betrayed to the religious leaders.

Lessons and Applications:  How often have I yielded authority in my life to someone other than Christ?  Have I gone my own way, knowing the decision violated God's commands?  What were the consequences of that in my life and in the lives of others?  Have I followed directions and policies at work - on the table or under the table - that violated God's Word?  What were the consequences?  Do I use the world's methods to gain power, prestige or wealth and then call on God to honor His promises?
From Charles Stanley's Life Lessons:  '"In every culture and time, God's people feel a tug to be like those around them, to conform to the customs of their unbelieving neighbors.  But Jesus tells us, "Be not like them."' (Matt. 6:8)

Failing at Fatherhood / Failing at Leadership:  1 Sam 8.  What did the elders use as an excuse for wanting a king?  Samuel had made his sons judges over Israel, but they were corrupt..."they did not walk in Samuel's (or God's) ways...they turned after dishonest gain...they took bribes...they perverted justice."

Lessons and Applications:  We have seen this pattern with many of Israel's leaders - Eli, Samuel, and David are examples of leaders who did not instill God's precepts in their sons but chose them as leaders of God's people.  Our homes are the greatest and most essential part of our evangelism and discipleship efforts.  When we fail here, this not only reverberates throughout Christendom now but will through future generations as well.  The Bible is clear that it is the father who must lead in this teaching of the children - both by example and in direct teaching. These Biblical leaders lost their sons, and this led to great destruction for the nation as a whole.  Is this happening to us in America?

A Psalm that Tears at and Speaks to Your Heart:  Psalm 55:9-15  As with many of the imprecatory psalms, this contemplation of David is one that most of us can unfortunately witness to as well.  David is asking God to destroy and divide the tongues of those causing and participating in violence, strife, iniquity, trouble, destruction, oppression, wickedness and deceit.  But what compounds all this horror is that it is not an enemy who exalted himself above David but a fellow believer...a companion, an equal, an acquaintance with whom he "took sweet counsel and with whom he walked to the house of God in the throng" of other worshippers.

Lesson and Application:  My mind and heart go to God and Jesus here.  After all that had been done by God for "My people Israel", by Jesus for His disciples and followers, coming for the salvation of the Jew first, the rejection by the people is final and devastating.  They didn't want Him as Judge, as King, as Battle Leader or as Savior.  They didn't want to be His holy people - set apart from the world.  They wanted to be like the world.  Where have my choices and decisions placed my life - with the world or set apart for God?  What about my family?  The Nation?  After all the blessings God has bestowed on us, do we reject or honor Him with our lives?

Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,  while it is said, “Today, if you will hear His voice,
 Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”  Hebrews 3: 12-15

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