Friday, May 24, 2013

David and Jesus on the Mount of Olives - Day 143 Through the Bible

Celo Knob - near Mt. Celo Church - part of the Black Mountains, part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountains
My Daily Study and Meditations Before God

The Foolish King of Israel (2 Sam 19 and 20) Absalom is dead; David is inconsolable.  "So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people".  War was waged by Israel on behalf of David against his traitorous son, Absalom.  The commander of the army speaks very forthrightly to David as is his custom, "I perceive that if Absalom had lived and all of us had died today, then it would have pleased you well.  Now, therefore, arise, go out, and speak comfort to your servants.  For I swear by the LORD, if you do not go out, not one will stay with you this night.  And that will be worse for you than all the evil that has befallen you from your youth until now." David follows Joab's advice, the people come from hiding before David, and David is called back as king.  But, his new sin has brought forth more consequences.  The old prophecy of Nathan during David's sin with Bathseba is fulfilled.  The sword is not departing from David's house.  Now the kingdom is split.  Judah is with David; Israel follows Sheba, the rebel Benjamite.  Foolishly, David chooses another commander in place of Joab, likely to punish Joab for speaking the hard truth to him.  Again, Joab helps restore the full kingdom back to God, but through some unexpected wise guidance.

The Wise Mother of Israel (2 Sam 20) David's new commander is lax in pursuing the rebel Sheba and his forces, so David sends Abishai with troops.  Joab and his forces follow and encounter Amasa, David's new commander.  Joab kills Amasa, and the combined troops of Judah besiege Sheba as he and his troops hole up in the walled city of Abel.  Joab's forces batter the wall to throw it down, but a wise woman cries out from the city to Joab, "Hear these words of your guidance...avoid disputes...I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel.  You seek to destroy a city and a mother in Israel.  Why would you swallow up the inheritance of the LORD? Joab listens and says that is not what he wants; he only seeks Sheba.  If the city delivers him, they will depart.  "Then the woman in her wisdom went to all the people.  And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Joab."  More civil war, more deaths were averted.

My Lessons and Applications - What inordinate affections hold sway over my life?  Have I chosen family over God?  Material possessions over God?  Political prejudices over God? Am I turning a great victory of God for His people, His purposes into mourning because something did not go the way I wanted it to go?  Do I seek guidance to avoid unnecessary disputes?  Am I willing to speak the hard truth to powerful people, knowing it may cost my life or all my material possessions?  Am I willing to listen to and heed truth?  Am I learning truth through study of God's Word and prayer with Him?

David and Jesus on the Mount of Olives - (back to 2 Sam 15 and 16 and John 8)  Transforming truths are revealed on this Mount.  David flees here when Absalom usurps control of the kingdom.  It is here that he worships God and prays for the LORD to turn the counsel of his enemies to foolishness (15:31).  Here he and his men are revived and refreshed with food, donkeys for the king's household to ride and wine to revive their spirits.  Here David and his men form the plans for victorious control of the kingdom.  Almost one thousand years later, the Promised Messiah Jesus Christ, from the lineage of King David, has come to earth and now to this Mount.  At the end of John 7, we are told that all the unbelieving Jews returned to their houses, "but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives."  Great lessons are learned here from our Master.  The woman caught in adultery is brought to Him for judgment.  He tells the accusers that the one without sin may cast the first stone to kill her.  He writes twice on the ground.  We do not know what these writings are.  The accusers' sins?  Whatever the words, they all leave, and the words we love follow:  "Woman, where are those accusers of yours?  Has no one condemned you?  She said, "No one, Lord."  And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you.  Go and sin no more." We also learn lessons on this Mount for victorious kingdom living as Jesus expounds to us the Olivet Discourse and the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes (the basic tenets of Christian discipleship).  It is here we are warned that we will face persecution as we prepare for the Second Coming.  It is here, on the Mount of Olives, that Zechariah tells us will be the final battle between Jesus and His enemies.

From Today's Psalm Reading (Ps. 67:1-2)
God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us,
That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

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