Monday, May 6, 2013

"Half-Baked Religiosity" - Day 126 Through the Bible

Lake Junaluska Christian Retreat in Western North Carolina - about 1 1/2 hours from Mt. Celo Church
Gleanings from the Readings

Samuel / Saul / the Amalekites: Shades of Moses /Aaron / the Golden Calf (1 Sam 14 and 15):  God's directions had been clear.  Saul and the people were to exact God's revenge on the Amalekites for ambushing Israel during the exodus from Egypt.  (Three of the lessons we have learned:  God WILL repay our enemies.  Vengeance belongs to God.  His punishment of those who harm us does not come on our timetable and may be long in coming from our view of time.)  Again, God's directives are hard from today's cultural perspective, but they are God's perspective from a much longer view of history and deeper knowledge of the people.  Every breathing person and animal is to be killed.  Saul does not fully obey.  Like Aaron he blames it on the people, rather than taking responsibility himself and repenting.  The lame excuse for not killing the animals was so they could sacrifice - worship God - when the real reason was for food and material gain.  Result:  God tears the kingdom from Saul and gives it to "a man after His own heart."  Consequence:  The Holy Spirit departs from Saul.  "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." (15:23)

My Lessons and Applications:  There is nothing hidden from God (Luke 8:17; Heb 4:13) - not even our motives.  Lies, manipulation, and the blame game have become so commonplace in our culture - in our homes, in the marketplace, in every facet of our lives - that delusion and deceit have replaced truth and discernment.  (We have now devolved to a point in our culture and nation that God's truth is not only disobeyed - it is not known!  This is why we must continually teach carefully the Word of God in its entirety.) Through obfuscation Saul thinks he can convince Samuel that his real purpose in not obeying God was to honor God!  Do we do this with ill-gotten gains?  With ungodly business or personal relationships or dealings?  No subterfuge will cover the underlying motive from God - and rarely works with the majority of people.  The world is cunning in perception of lies but not in perception of God's truth.  We must reteach God's truth so it is held in stark juxtaposition to the world's lies.  We must re-evangelize and re-disciple America and the lost world that once was a part of Christendom.  

Obedience is the Truest Form of Worship (1 Sam 22) In the OT, sacrifice was the means of worship.  In the NT and in church age worship is seen in gathering together for praise, prayer and preaching.  Yet throughout the Bible, God makes it very clear that it is the obedient life that honors Him the most.
"Has the LORD as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams."

"I Feared the People and Obeyed Their Voice / The Voices of These Men and  the Chief Priests Prevailed" (1 Sam 15:24 and Luke 23:23)  Saul and Pilate listened to and obeyed the people rather God.  They were men-pleasers rather than God-pleasers.  Listen to the depth of Saul's rejection of God, "I have sinned (but note no repentance); yet honor me (not God) now, please, before the elders of the people and before Israel (not before God), that I may worship the LORD, your (not my) God." (15:30)   And Pilate - "because the people demanded..with loud voices...requested...were insistent...they (the people) prevailed...over truth...over righteousness...but he delivered Jesus to their will." Luke 23:23-25)

My Lessons and Applications:  To Whom or what do we listen in this world?  For what reason?  For truth, for expediency, for personal gain?  Do we go along to get along, or do we stand for righteousness, for truth?  Have we stood for political notoriety, monetary gain, maintaining relationships, or for God?  Are we trying to honor men, ourselves, or God?  It DOES usually come down to choices between these.  (Matt 10)

'"Today's Warning is for the "half-baked" (Ephraim is a flat cake not turned over. Hosea 7:8) - those having a false religiosity that suits their needs.  "I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings."' Hosea 6:6  
(from Morning by Morning by Charles Spurgeon and commentary by editor, Jim Reimann, (June 23, day 175)

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