Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3 of Daily Bible Study

The "gate" at Quiet Reflections Retreat--not far from Mt. Celo Church in Yancey County.

January 3

 Relationships cannot be reproduced—they are as unique as the individuals involved in them. We can read what others experience while doing this daily Bible study, however we cannot duplicate someone's experience with God. At first glance, this may seem discouraging, but look again.

When I find myself in a large crowd, I never fail to be amazed that--of all the people I observe, no two are alike. I bring a unique person before God to study His Word each day—that one of a kind individual is me! No one will relate to God exactly as I do. My life, my personality, my thoughts, and my experiences are personal to me. My Father gave me one of a kind fingerprints, only He knows the number of hairs on my head, only God knows my complete DNA. He made me unlike anyone else.

Years ago, I remember being impressed with a little book by Chuck Swindoll, called Intimacy with the Almighty. I bought all my adult children a copy. I was so disappointed when I realized it was not the powerful book for them that it had been for me. While we may envy someone's Bible study experience, we can rest assured that we, too, can have encounters in His Word that leaves us amazed! Our relationship with Him has the potential for taking us to one of those "you just had to be there" moments. We can write out our experience—put it in words. However, it’s just not possible to communicate the depths of spiritual communion that we encounter when we really get into God's Word. God wants us to have our own experience with Him--not a “second-hand” one—He wants it to be ours and ours alone!

If you're only reading about this study, consider actually doing it. Purchase The Charles Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible (available online or from a Christian book store) and join us in this study. Make it your study—yours and God’s. If you were the only person in the world—God still would have sent His Son to take your place on the cross in order to pay for your sins. He has so much in His Word that He wants to share with you! Ask Him to help you study with passion—a passion to really know Him! He promises we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart (Deuteronomy 4:29). 

As the pages of your Bible are opened before you, picture God waiting on the other side of that “open door”. Ask Him to take your hand and by His Holy Spirit to walk with you through His Word. Along the journey, ask Him to show you how Scripture personally applies to you and your circumstances. Ask Him how you can apply what you have read. Be encouraged to "own" this Bible study--it has the potential for leading you to higher ground and to a personal relationship with God that you probably never dreamed was possible!

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