Friday, January 11, 2013

Persevering Faith - Day 11 of Through the Bible

The South Toe River near Mt. Celo Church where our river baptisms are held.  Fly-fishing, canoeing, kayaking are favorite sports in this area. 

Gleanings from Today’s Readings.
1)   God tests us.  Life throws curves to all of us, but we will see in this year through the Bible, that God Himself will test His men and women of faith.  He will cause them to wait long periods of times for His promises to be fulfilled.  He rewards the persevering faithful.  Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 99 when the promised heir, Isaac, was born. “Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him.”  Charles Stanley – Life Lessons
2)   God hears.  God acts – in His time and in His way.  We have already seen this precept many times in just 11 days of this study.  God heard the lad (Ishmael) cry.  He promised the mother (Hagar) that her son would be blessed and multiplied greatly.
3)   God provides – for Sarah and Abraham, for Hagar and Ishmael, for Isaac.  We will see this throughout the year of study – the Providence and Sovereignty of God in the lives of His people – in our lives.
4)   The Scarlet Thread.  There is said to be a scarlet thread that runs throughout the Bible – showing the life and blood of Christ from Genesis through Revelation.  There is wonderful foreshadowing here in Gen. 22:8 and 14.  God’s name is even The-LORD-Will-Provide.  He will provide the sacrificial Lamb Himself on THIS Mount of the Lord.  This is Mount Moriah.  The same mountain where Isaac was to be sacrificed is the mountain where Jesus Christ will be crucified several hundred years later.  The Angel of the LORD speaking to Abraham is thought to be Christ by most NT Biblical scholars.
5)   Faith and Obedience.  Why was Isaac spared? (Gen. 22:18 –“because you have obeyed My voice.)” Obedience is the evidence of genuine faith.
6)   In the Psalm, David pours out his soul before God, knowing that God hears.  I have found that the greatest relief in severe trials and anxiety in persecution is to read the 150 Psalms aloud to God in prayer.  These are wonderful gifts to us when we are so distraught we cannot even find the words to express our thoughts.
7)   This Proverb is one of the most popular quotes from the Bible and perfectly describes the faith life of Abraham and David.  It is also a quote and promise I pray back to God almost every day of my life: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  Prov. 3: 5,6
8)   The cost of discipleship is high.  This seems to have been lost in much of Christendom today.  It may require the loss of every material possession we have (Matt 8: 20).  It may cost us the relationships we have. (v 22)   It may cost us our lives.  Great love is sacrificial love.
9)   Even demons recognize Jesus as the Son of God who WILL have victory over them and all evil – in “the time.” (v. 29)
10) Regardless of the struggles we face in this life, "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37  The question is:  What will we do with this Man called Jesus?  Will we ask Him to depart from us as did the people in the country of the Gergesenes – afraid of the cost -, or will we ask Him to stay and come into our hearts as our Lord and Savior?

“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek:  that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple.   Ps. 27:4

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