Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Anchor of My Soul - Day 313 Through the Bible

Sunrise on the NC coast - the last morning at the beach before heading back to the NC mountains
My Meditations on Today's Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

Key Words – Then you shall know that I am the LORD x 5, in their sight x 5,  I am a sign to you, vision, the word I speak will be done, the anchor of my soul, from foundations to perfection, patiently endure to obtain the promise, my hope

Revelations to Ezekiel in the Spirit – Ezekiel 11 and 12 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) – Why Judah is Punished: Judah is being judged by God because “their princes who devise iniquity and give wicked counsel, have not walked in God’s statutes, but have walked according to the customs of the Gentiles which are all around them. “ The Punishment:  I will deliver you into the hands of strangers and execute judgments on you.”  Ezekiel’s greatest concern:  That God will destroy all of Israel and Judah, with no remnant left.  God’s response to Ezekiel:  All…your…brethren, relatives, countrymen…and all the house of Israel…in its entirely…have said…’Get far away from the LORD’.  Yet…I shall be a little sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone.  I shall…gather…assemble….give…you the land of Israel.  They will take away all the detestable things and all its abominations from there.  I will put a new spirit within them…will give the one heart…will take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh…THAT…they may walk in My statutes…and keep My judgments and do them.”  What God says are the manifestations of a rebellious spirit: This rebellious house has eyes to see but does not see, and hears to hear but does not hear.  A Sign to Them:  Once again, God calls Ezekiel to be an object lesson to Israel.  “Prepare your belongings for captivity; go into captivity by day in their sight…dig through the wall in their sight…bear them on your shoulders and carry them out at twilight…cover your face, so that you cannot see the ground.  I will spare a few of their men…Then they shall know that I am the LORDFOR…no more…shall there be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Israel…FOR I am the LORD; I speak and the word which I speak…will…come to pass; it will no more be postponed…I will say the word and perform it, says the Lord GOD  Principle:  The time of judgment has come; mercy will still be shown to a remnant, but God will fulfill His covenantal word regarding curses for wickedness.

From Foundations to Perfection through the Spirit – Hebrews 6- (Facts:  What It Says – Summarized) There is a time for foundational truths:  These foundational truths of faith are “repentance from dead works…faith toward God…the doctrine of baptisms…of laying on of hands…of resurrections of the dead…of eternal judgment”.  Concern:  Believers are to move beyond these foundational truths to the perfection of their faith…”And this we will do if God permits it.” A Falling Away?  FOR…it is impossible…for those who were once enlightened…and have tasted the heavenly gift…and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit…and have tasted the good word of God…and the powers of the ages to come…to renew them again to repentance…since…they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame.  Confidence of Better Things: God is not unjust to forget…your work…and labor of love…which you have shown toward His name…in that…you have ministered to the saints and do minister. Desire for Believers:  That each one of you show…the same diligence to the full assurance of hope…until the end…that…you do not become sluggish.  Imitate...those who…through faith and patience…inherit the promise.”  Remember God’s Promise to Abraham:  He will be blessed and multiplied…and…after….he had patiently endured…he obtained the promise.   The Immutability of God’s Promise:  It is impossible for God to lie.  He swore by Himself (no greater authority).  Our Strong Consolation:  to lay hold of the hope set before us.  This hope we have set before us as an anchor of the soul…sure…steadfast…which enters the Presence…behind the veil…where the forerunner has entered for us – even Jesus…having become High Priest forever…according to the order of Melchizedek.  Principle: “Our hope in Christ gives us a firm and rock-solid confidence that nothing life throws at us can ultimately move us.  This hope reaches to the very throne of God Himself to bring us comfort and assurance.  (Charles Stanley, Life Principles Daily Bible, pg. 1362

My Lessons and Applications - Jesus Christ is the anchor of my soul.  He is my High Priest, my Intercessor, my Mediator, my Lord and Savior.  He is my hope, my help, my sanctuary and my refuge. Through His sacrificial work on the cross and His resurrection, I am taken into the heavenly places before the very throne of God when I enter into the sacred privilege of prayer.    My responsibilities are knowledge and application of His Word through the leading of His Holy Spirit, intercessory prayer and communion with Him, and obedience to Him, to the honor and glory of God.

There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. . . .”

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