Monday, November 4, 2013

The Message – Day 307 Through the Bible

Looking back at Mt. Celo yesterday (highest peak) from the northern part of Yancey County – North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains
My Meditations on Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

Key WordsSovereignty of God Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that woe and well-being proceed? You have founded Your testimonies forever.  Hope in the Midst of Horrorthe LORD’s mercies, His compassions, His faithfulness, The LORD is my portion, the LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him, the LORD remembers. Our Work as We Wait on God: search out, examine, turn back, lift hearts and hands to God

The Message of Lamentations – Lamentations 3, 4, 5 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Divine Retribution: Judah was under the Mosaic covenant of blessings and curses.  God had sent prophets to warn them to turn from their wickedness, rebellion, idolatry, but they would not.  God is true to His word – to His covenant.  The curses come.  They ravished the women and maidens in Zion and Judah; the princes were hung up by their hands, and elders were not respected.  Young men ground at the millstones, boys staggered under loads of wood…Those slain by the sword are better off than those who die of hunger…The hands of the compassionate women have cooked their own children; they became food for them.” Jeremiah’s Deep Depression and Hopelessness: God has hedged me in so I cannot get out...He has led me and made me walk in darkness…He has surrounded me with bitterness and woe…He has made me desolate…He has bent His bow and set me up as a target for the arrow…YOU have moved my soul far from peace…and I said, ‘My strength and my hope have perished from the LORD.’”  Jeremiah Lifted out of Depression into Hope: The weeping prophet calls on God to...”Remember…my affliction and roaming, the wormwood and the gall.  In asking God to remember, Jeremiah himself remembers…recalls: “This I recall to my mind…therefore I have hope.  Through the LORD’s mercies…we are not consumed…because…His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning.  Great is Your faithfulness.  The LORD is my portion, says my soul…therefore…I hope in Him.  The LORD is good to those…who wait for Him…to the soul…who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD…let him sit alone and keep silent…because God has laid it on him…For the Lord will not cast off forever…though He causes grief.  Yet He will show compassion…according to the multitude of His mercies…for…He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.” Jeremiah’s directions to Judah:  Let us search outexamine our waysand turn back to the LORD.  Let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven.  We have transgressed and rebelled.  Jeremiah’s Plea to God:  Remember, O LORD, what has come upon us.  Look, and behold our reproach!  You, O LORD, remain forever; our throne from generation to generation.  Why do You forget us forever, and forsake us for so long a time?  Turn us back to You, O LORD, and we will be restored; Renew our days as of old, unless You have utterly rejected us, and are very angry with us!Principle: When in the Midst of God’s Punishing Hand: Acknowledge, confess, repent (change/turn away from sin). Search out, examine our ways, turn back to the Lord, praise Him, pray that he will remember, look, and turn us back to Him, restore and renew us.  Wait for Him.  Seek for Him. When in the Midst of Depression:  Recall…remember God’s mercies, His compassion, your access to His throne room, your Intercessor and Mediator - Jesus Christ - at His right Hand, His Holy Spirit’s consolation for your soul through His Word.

The Message of the Longest Psalm – Psalm 119:145-152 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Cry out to God.  Remember His past faithfulness.  Meditate on His Word.  I cry out…with my whole heart…Hear me…Save me…Revive me…I cry out for help…I hope in, I meditate on Your word…they draw near who follow after wickedness; they are far from Your law.  You are near, O LORD…and all…Your commandments…are truth.  Concerning Your testimonies…I have known of old that You have founded them forever.” Principle: Our great privilege, honor and duty is intercessory prayer – for others and for ourselves.  This prayer is predicated on the Word of God – on the revelation of His character, His plan, His purpose, praying in His will and for His will.  David always tied his prayer to God’s Word.

The Message to Philemon – 1-25 (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) – The Apostle’s Request: Paul urges Philemon to accept back…receive his runaway slave, Onesimus, who had come to Paul while the apostle was in prison in Rome.  The Reason for the Request: Philemon is urged to do this willingly, not out of compulsion or obligation to Paul – “not even as a slave, but more than a slave – a beloved brother, both in the flesh and in the Lord.”  Onesimus has become a believer while in Paul’s care and service.  Paul’s Supposition:  For perhaps he (Onesimus) departed for a while…for this purpose…that you might receive him forever”…as a brother in Christ. Principle: Salvation status should transform not only the new believer but the relationship of that believer to others in God’s kingdom.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.  Galatians 3:28-29

My Lessons and Applications:  Am I able to rise above thoughts of myself into a realization of or submission to God’s purposes?  Am I able to remember God’s past faithfulness and promises for a future hope and allow that to lift me out of despondency and depression?  Do I cry out to God with my whole heart, basing my prayers on God’s Word?  Am I able to rise out of my own prejudices and affinities to see and treat every saved soul as my brother and sister in Christ? 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Are ye able,” said the Master,“to be crucified with Me?”
“Yea,” the sturdy dreamers answered,
 “to the death we follow Thee.”

Are you able to relinquish 
purple dreams of power and fame, to go down into the Garden, 
or to die a death of shame?

 Are ye able, when the anguish 
racks your mind and heart with pain, 
to forgive the souls who wrong you,
who would make your striving vain?
 Are ye able to remember, 
when a thief lifts up his eyes,
 that his pardoned soul is worthy
of a place in paradise?
 Are ye able when the shadows 
close around you with the sod, 
to believe that spirit triumphs,
 to commend your soul to God?

 Are ye able? Still the Master
 whispers down eternity, and heroic spirits answer,
 now as then in Galilee.  
Lord, we are able. Our spirits are Thine.
 Remold them, make us, like Thee, divine.
 Thy guiding radiance above us shall be,
 a beacon to God, to love and loyalty.
 Are Ye Able? Words: Earl B. Marlatt, 1926; Music, Harry S. Mason, 1924.

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