Monday, November 25, 2013

Hopeless and Broken and Then Grace – Day 328 Through the Bible

“Peter” by Kenneth Wyatt of Tulia, Texas – 1 of a series of paintings of the apostles.  Wyatt used people he knew as models (and if I remember correctly) whose personalities resembled that of the particular apostle being painted. Wyatt is a Methodist minister and a gifted Western and Christian artist. 
My Meditations on Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and used for contemplation.)

Key Words/Phrases – He measured, He brought me into, He brought me out of, pilgrims in the dispersion, elect, living hope, incorruptible, undefiled, does not fade away, grace

Pilgrims in the OT Dispersion – Ezekiel 41 and 42 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) The Vision: Ezekiel has been taken up “in the visions of God.”  He is being shown the measuring of a “mystical temple” by “a man” that correlates to the earthly temple in Jerusalem.  This is thought by many scholars to be the Millennial temple. The Purpose of the Vision: This vision is in the grace of God – to give the captives hope in the midst of their hopelessness and brokenness in their 25th year of captivity in Babylon - that though they suffer now in judgment, God will once again return and restore them in His mercy and grace, for His name’s sake.

 (Note:  I am uncertain to the meaning of the separate holy place for the priests, since this veil of division was torn down by the blood sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ on our behalves – that we might enter into the Holiest of Holies – that we might come before the very throne of God as kings and priests. (1 Peter 2:9).  Perhaps this temple is after the Rapture – in the Tribulation, and all that remain are the believing Jewish remnant and the condemned. – therefore, the need for separation again.  Matthew Henry’s commentary on this follows.   Matthew Henry was an English Presbyterian Minister who lived from 1662-1714.)

Principle: The Mystical Temple – The Holy Chambers: Those that have public work to do for God and the souls of men have need to be much in private, to fit themselves for it. Ministers should spend much time in their chambers, in reading, meditation, and prayer, that their profiting may appear; and they ought to be provided with conveniences for this purpose.  The  Outer Temple – Thus large were the suburbs (as I may call them) of this mystical temple, signifying the great extent of the church in gospel-times, when all nations should be discipled and the kingdoms of the world made Christ’s kingdoms. Room should be made in God’s courts for the numerous forces of the Gentiles that shall flow into them, as was foretold, Isa. 49:18 Isa. 60:4. It is in part fulfilled already in the accession of the Gentiles to the church; and we trust it shall have a more full accomplishment when the fullness of the Gentiles shall come in and all Israel shall be saved. 2. Why the dimensions of it were made thus large. It was to make a separation, by putting a very large distance between the sanctuary and the profane place; and therefore there was a wall surrounding it, to keep off those that were unclean and to separate between the previous and the vile. Note, A difference is to be put between common and sacred things, between God’s name and other names, between His day and other days, His book and other books, His institutions and other observances; and a distance is to be put between our worldly and religious actions, so as still to go about the worship of God with a solemn pause.  Matthew Henry Commentary on Ezekiel 42

Pilgrims in the NT Dispersion – 1 Peter 1 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) – The Early Christian Church Dispersion: “The elect”… have undergone severe persecution even to the point of many deaths necessitating their dispersion into Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.  Purpose of the Dispersion: God used this as a means of spreading His kingdom work.  Purpose of Peter’s Letters:  To encourage, remind, exhort believers in the midst of their hopelessness and brokenness that came not as a result of judgment for their sins (as in the Ezekiel reading) but as a means of spreading the gospel.  The Encouragements and Reminders: 1) We have a living hope…according to…God’s abundant mercy…through…the resurrection of Jesus…to an inheritance…incorruptible, undefiled, that will not fade away…reserved for us…in heaven.  2) We are…kept…by the power of Godthrough faithfor salvation…ready to be revealed in the last time.  3) We are to rejoice in this…even though we may currently face trials…that test…the genuineness…of our faith…that is more precious than gold that perishes…that may be found to praise…honor…glory…at the revelation of Jesus Christ…whom…having not seen…you love.  4) Believing…rejoicing…receiving…the end of our faith…the salvation of our souls.  5) This salvationthis grace to us…is what the prophets inquired of and searched carefully…of what the angels desire to look into. The Exhortations: 1) THEREFORE…gird up the loins…of your mind, 2) rest…your hope…fully…upon the grace…that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, 3) as obedient children…not conforming to your former lusts, 4) be holy…in all your conduct…as He who…called you…is holy, 5) conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here…in fearknowing…that you were not redeemed…with corruptible things, like silver and gold…from your aimless conduct…received by tradition…from your fathers…BUT…with the precious blood of Christ…foreordained…from the foundation of the world…manifest in these last times…for you…who through Him…believe in God…who raised Him from the dead…and gave Him glory…so that…your faith and hope…are in God.  6) Since you have…purified your souls…in obeying the truththrough the Spirit…in sincere love of the brethren…love one another ferventlywith a pure heart, 7) having been born again…not of corruptible seed…but incorruptiblethrough the word of God…which lives and abides forever.

My Lessons and Applications:  As I suffer because of something that was not my own doing…I will remember God’s promises…His sacrifice…my salvation…His grace.  I will strive to maintain the eternal, not the temporal, perspective.  I will renew my mind through the reading, mediation and application of His Word that is “incorruptible and that lives and abides forever.”  I will continually seek my God…and go to His throne of mercy in the heavenly places.  I will focus on Jesus with my eyes, ears, mind, heart, soul, and spirit.  I will ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen, uplift, renew, restore, enable, empower me to do God’s will.  I will ask God to allow me to honor Him and glorify Him…even in this. and upon this rock I will build my church.  (Matthew 16:18) Protestants and Catholics differ in their understanding of this verse.

All flesh is grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass.  The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the LORD endures forever. 
(1 Peter 1: 24-25, Isaiah 40:8, Psalm 119:89-91)

When others see with earthly eyes just what they want to see, you will see the things that never die. You will know and recognize, by simple child-like faith, the priceless truth that others will deny.
When others say I'm just a man who likes to dream his dreams, when others call a miracle a myth, you'll listen for eternity in moments as they pass, and see with spirit eyes what others miss.
Upon this rock I'll build My kingdom. And on this rock forever and ever it shall stand.  And all the powers of Hell itself shall never more prevail against it, for Satan's thrones are built on sinking sand. Upon this rock I'll build My kingdom, and on this rock forever and ever it shall stand. Upon this rock of revelation, I'll build a strong and mighty nation, and it shall stand the storms of time upon this rock.
If in a simple carpenter, you see the Son of God; If you would chose to lose
When you could win; If you would give your life away for nothing in return
Then you are where My kingdom will begin.                                                                                          "Upon This Rock" Words and Music by Gloria Gaither and Dony McGuire
Video Below:  Sohyang: "Upon This Rock" young female vocalist from South Korea singing in English.
 +South Korea currently provides the world's second largest number of Christian missionaries, surpassed by the United States. GSM, the missionary body of the "Hapdong" General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Korea, is the single largest missionary organization in South Korea. South Korean missionaries are especially prevalent in 10/40 Window nations that are hostile to Westerners. 
++Seoul contains 11 of the world's 12 largest Christian congregations.

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