Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pilgrimage - Day 295 Through the Bible

In the House of My Pilgrimage
Fall leaves seen through the cabin windows - North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains - near Mt Celo Church

My Meditations on Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation)

Behold, The Days Are Coming – Jeremiah 31 and 32 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Finally, some good news for the Chosen Nation.  God has brought severe judgment, captivity and doom on much of the Jewish Nation.  Only a remnant remains – still in captivity under Babylonian rule, which God had said would last 70 years.  But…God encourages them in captivity.  The good news: 1) Thus says the LORD, “The people who survived the sword found…grace in the wilderness – Israel – when I went to give him rest…I have loved you…with an everlasting love.  Therefore…with lovingkindness I have drawn you…again…I will build youBehold the days are coming…that as I have plucked up…broken down…thrown down…destroyed…afflicted, so I will watch over them…to build…and to plant.  2) I will make a…new covenant…with the house of Israel…and the house of Judah – not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them out of the land of Egypt…which they broke…though I was a husband to them.  But…this is the covenant…where I will put My law…in their minds…and write it on their hearts…and I will be their God…and they shall be My peopleThey shall all know me…from the least of them to the greatest of them...I will forgive their iniquity…and their sin I will remember it no more.  Jeremiah is told by the LORD to purchase a piece of land from a relative also in captivity – assuring him that the day is coming…when once again they will dwell in the land.  Jeremiah reminds God that the land will do him no good since they remain in captivity to the Chaldeans.  God’s responseBehold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh.  Is there anything too hard for Me? Principle:  God is Sovereign and Providential – both a comforting and upsetting doctrine when horror strikes.  The remnant of Israel and Judah had experienced this truth, and now Jeremiah is learning it on a personal level.

My Songs In the House of My Pilgrimage - Psalm 119:49-56 (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) This Psalm, written by David, mirrors his life struggles – the humiliation and exaltation – and the source of his strength during each of these times.  In these verses David is in one of his valley experiences but, as always, is “a man after God’s own heart.”  He is seeking God for his help, in his fear, out of love of the LORD.  “Rememberthe word to Your servant…upon whichYou have caused me to hopeTHISis my comfort…in my affliction.  FOR…Your word…has given me life.  The proud…have me in derision.  YetI do not turn aside from…I rememberedI have comforted myself…with Your lawYour judgments, Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage…Your precepts…Your name…O, LORD.  This has become minePrinciple: David loved and sought the LORD at all times – in his sin, in his glory, in valleys, in the king’s palace, in fear, in thanksgiving.  He could do this because he loved, remembered, and kept God’s word.  He had made it his own.

Exhortations for Prayer – 1 Timothy 2 (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) Paul is exhorting believers: Because God Desires It: 1) First of all…that supplications…prayers…intercessions…and giving of thanks…be made…for all men…for kings…and all…who are in authority…that…we may lead a quiet and peaceable life…in all godliness…and reverence.  FOR…this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviorwho desires…all men…to be saved…and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  FOR…there is…one God…and one Mediator…between God and men…the Man Christ Jesus…who gave Himself a ransom…for all…to be testified in due time.  I am speaking the truth in Christ, and not lying – a teacher of the Gentiles…in faith…and truth.   Because Paul Desires It: Paul then prefaces the rest of this chapter with the words “I desire.”  There is no indication that this is a direct commandment from God.  “I desire, therefore, that all men…pray everywhere…lifting up holy hands…without wrath…and doubting; in like manner…also…that the women…adorn themselves…in modest apparel…with propriety and moderation…  Paul then continues…his….exhortation that a woman learn in silence…with all submission. And…"I”…do not permit…a woman to teach or have authority over a man to be in silence.  Paul gives Eve’s deception in the garden as the basis for…his…directive.  A woman’s hope...(according to Paul)…she will be saved in childbearing…if…they…continue in faith…love…and holiness…with self-control.Principle:  Prayer is to be made for all because it is God’s desire that all men be saved and know the truth.  Paul gives his personal desires regarding women in the church.

My Lessons and Applications:  Pilgrimage… (1 Chronicles 29:15, 1 Peter 2:11, Hebrews 11:13, among others ) Reminder:  We are strangers and pilgrims on this earth on our way home.  The OT reading today illustrates this concept where the Chosen Nation was reminded they were going home (after exile as a result of their own sins) and in the Psalm where David is in “the house of my pilgrimage”, away from his true home.  We are reminded often not to become too tied to the things of this world; this is not our home.  Our comfort during our pilgrimage:  God’s Word and Prayer – abiding with Him, in Him.  Our year through the Bible has illustrated clearly the Sovereignty and Providence of God.  Remember the life of Abraham, of Issac, Jacob, Job, David, Joseph, Noah, Daniel, Ruth, and Jesus Christ.  Sometimes Providence can be very dark, very difficult to understand.  It can be the most comforting doctrine at times and, at times, leave us with the most forsaken feeling in the world.  (Remember Christ’s words on the cross.)  I have to remind myself that this is my earthly pilgrimage.  I am on my way home to Him.  My commitment is to obey, love, follow and glorify Him as He uses me for His kingdom work.

Dr. Charles Stanley on “Walking Through the Difficult Times” – pg. 1282 Life Principles Daily Bible
“Valley experiences are inevitable and painful.  They are meant to be profitable, discovering about God.  When feelings of helplessness overtake us, He provides His strength to sustain us.  When despair tries to close in, He invites us to experience His peace and promised rest (Matt. 11:29).  In the midst of clamoring pain, He offers Himself as our Comforter and Protector.  Terrible times…test our faith…reveal our true character.  If our relationship with the Lord is weak, fear will increase…and this may cause us to panic, seek ungodly counsel, blame others or God for the problem, find a way out on our own, in spiritual immaturity.    STAND FIRM.  LOOK TO THE LORD.  Those whose faith is strong will move from alarm to trust over time.  We see this in the faith of David in today’s Psalm.  Seek out the Lord through prayer and the Word, remembering His help to us in the past. (Ps. 77:11-14).  In this way our endurance and confidence in Him will build, and we will also believe His promises and trust Him to keep them, despite any evidence to the contrary.”

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