Monday, October 7, 2013

In the Midst of a Crooked and Perverse Generation – Day 279 Through the Bible

Upcoming Event:  Spruce Pine Potters Market - Yancey and Mitchell counties have more artists, per capita, than anywhere else in America.  Many of the artists are internationally acclaimed.  This event will showcase many of the top potters of our area – near Mt. Celo Church.

My Lessons and Applications from Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

A Jewish Remnant Saved / Gentile Believers Brought In – Isaiah 65 and 66 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) With all the blessings of Divine intervention and fellowship, the Jewish nation “angers God continually to His face” with idolatry and rebellion.  “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people…when I called, you did not answer; when I spoke; you did not hear, but did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I no do delight.  Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD: ‘You shall leave your name as a curse to My chosen; for the Lord GOD will slay you, and call His servants by another name…I was sought by those who did not ask for Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me, I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation that was not called by My name.”’  But on this one will I look:  on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word.  For I know their works and their thoughts.  It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory…They shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.  Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to the LORD out of all nations…to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the LORD.”  Principle:  The rebellious, idolatrous Jewish nation, blessed with the oracles of God, will be punished with only a believing remnant left.  God will then bring believing Gentiles – of all nations – into His kingdom. This is the prophecy of the mission of the Elect One, the Servant, the Messiah and the church age.

I Love the Lord – Psalm 116:1-4 (Facts: What It Says – Summarized)  “I love the LORD…because…He has heard My voice…and my supplications.  Because…He has inclined His ear…to me.  Therefore….I will call upon Him…as long as I live.”  The psalmist then tells of his near scrape with death when He called upon the name of the LORD: “O LORD, I implore You, deliver my soul!” Principle:  We love God because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)  In His mercy, grace and love He has called us into eternal fellowship with Him – beginning now in our earthly pilgrimage – as we come before His throne in prayer and commune with Him in His Word through the Holy Spirit.

Consolation in Christ – Philippians 2 – (Facts: What It Says – Summarized) The Apostle Paul is reminding the Church at Philippi of Christ’s consolations:  1) the comfort of love in and of Him and with other believers, 2) the fellowship of the Spirit corporately in the church and within individual believers, 3) the affection and mercy of God upon us through Jesus Christ.  The Apostle pleads with the church – based on these consolations of Christ – "to be like-minded…having the same love…being of one accord…of one mind."  He admonishes:  “Let nothing…be done through selfish ambition…or conceit…BUT…in lowliness of mind…let each esteem others better than himself…look out for your own interests as well as for the interests of others.”  Paul urges the church to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus…humbling Himself to accomplish God’s will…taking the form of a bondservant to God…being obedient to God to the point of death.  God’s reward to His Servant:  “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that…at the name of Jesus…every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and…that every tongue should confess…that Jesus Christ is Lord…to the glory of God the FatherTherefore, we are to…work out…our own salvation…with fear and trembling…for…it is God who works in us both to will…and to do…for His good pleasure.  Do all things…without complaining and disputing…that…you may become blameless…and harmless…children of God…without fault…in the midst of…a crooked and perverse generation…among whomyou shine as lights in the world…holding fast…the word of life.”  Principle:  The Redeemed of the Lord are called to live the life of faith in the midst of, among evil and dissolute people as lights, reflecting God’s glory – Christ within us – and this is done by holding fast to His Word in obedience.

My Lessons and Applications:  Do I have a grateful heart, an unquenchable love for the Lord because of what He has done for me...for who He is...a remembrance of what His Chosen Nation and People did to incur His wrath – they forsook His Word, His law, did not call on Him, did not obey or love Him?  They turned to the idols of the world, and He turned to the Gentiles – to all the nations of the world – to those who would love Him and serve Him in obedience.  We have, by His mercy and grace, been grafted into the believing remnant of whom Isaiah prophesied.  Am I shining as a light of truth, integrity, Biblical morality in the midst of the corruption and evil that seems to permeate every facet of our society?  Do I know what God’s Word says through the teaching of His Holy Spirit within me – in its entirety – not just what someone has told me it says – so that I can hold fast to it?  Do I continually go to the throne of God in prayer as an intercessor for others, to get the mind of Christ in a matter?  Then am I willing to leave those sacred times “in the heavenly places” and come back down into the valley - into the evil, the corruption, the godlessness…among whom…I am to reflect the glory of Christ within me – to be Christ to the world?

While you have the light, believe in the light . . . —John 12:36
We have all experienced times of exaltation on the mountain, when we have seen things from God’s perspective and have wanted to stay there. But God will never allow us to stay there. The true test of our spiritual life is in exhibiting the power to descend from the mountain…It is a wonderful thing to be on the mountain with God, but a person only gets there so that he may later go down and lift up the demon-possessed people in the valley (see Mark 9:14-18). We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life— those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength…The mountaintop is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something…We must learn to live in the ordinary “gray” day according to what we saw on the mountain…The test of mountain-top experiences, of mysticism, of visions of God and of solitariness is when you are “in the soup” of actual circumstances.  Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

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