Friday, September 27, 2013

The Response of Our Lives - Day 269 Through the Bible

Live Music Friday & Saturday Nights - Picture of Burnsville, North Carolina Mountains

First event this weekend in Burnsville, NC - near Mt. Celo Church:  Yancey Humane Society's Big Flea in Fred's Shopping Center in Burnsville, NC; Middle: Old Timey Days Fall Festival on town square; Right: Music in the Mountains Folk Festival at the Town Center -This photo of Burnsville is courtesy of TripAdvisor.  More information

My Lessons and Applications from Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation.)

There is No Other God – Isaiah 45 and 46 (What It Says – Summarized) – Ten (10) times in these 2 chapters God says, “I am the LORD, and there is no other” as He speaks of the worthlessness of idols that His Chosen people and the nations of the earth worship. What He has created is not in vain.  The descendants of Jacob do not seek Him in vain.  “I have not spoken in secret.” His other repeated refrains:  He is the God of Israel and of Judah, His elect.  He has done all for their sakes and continues to do so for their remnant…"upholds them…has carried them from the womb…even to their old age…I will carry them…I will deliver them.” God speaks through Isaiah of the “raising up” of the Gentile, non-believer, Cyrus, to be “My shepherd…My anointed…whose hand I have upheld…before whom I will go…to subdue nations…loose the armor of kings…open doors…make crooked places straight…break in pieces gates of bronze…cut the bars of iron…give hidden treasures and riches in secret places…THAT…you may know I…the LORD…the God of Israel… have named you…called you by name…will gird you…will raise you up in righteousness…will direct all your ways…though…you did not know Me…THAT….1) you shall build My city….2) and let My exiles go free – not for price or reward,” says the LORD.  “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done.” 

Praise Him – Psalm 111:1-6 (What It Says – Summarized) “Praise the LORD…with my whole heart…in the assembly of the upright…and in the congregation….for…His works…that are great…honorable…glorious…studied…remembered…wonderful…powerful…and are declared to His people…in giving them the heritage of the nations. His righteousness…is forever.  The LORD is….gracious….full of compassion.”

He is The Great God – Proverbs 26:10 “The great God…who formed everything…gives the fool his hire…and the transgressor his wages.”

The Response of Our Lives: Of God / Not of God – Galatians 9 – (What It Says – Summarized) – The Bible divides mankind into 2 basic groups:  the saved and the reprobate (Those controlled by the Spirit, and those controlled by the flesh).  Here the Apostle Paul is delineating the outward manifestations of those inward realities.  “The fruit (gift) of the Spirit is: 1) love, 2) joy, 3) peace, 4) longsuffering, 5) kindness, 6) goodness, 7) faithfulness, 8) gentleness, 10) self-control.  The works (deeds, practices) of the flesh are: 1) adultery, 2) fornication, 3) uncleanness, 4) lewdness, 5) idolatry, 6) sorcery, 7) hatred, 8) contentions, 9) jealousies, 10) outbursts of wrath, 11) selfish ambitions, 12) dissensions, 13) heresies, 14) envy, 15) murders, 16) drunkenness, 17) revelries 18) and the like. “ Paul is warning the Galatians not to be entangled in....not be a debtor to…legalism.  He urges them – and us – to “stand fast…in the liberty…by which Christ…has made us free…through faith.  FOR…in Christ Jesus…neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything…but faith…working through love.”  We are called to liberty, but “we are not to use…liberty…as an opportunity for the flesh…BUT through love…serve one anotherFOR all the law is in one word, even in this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”’  Walk in the Spirit!”

My Lessons and Applications – The prophecy that Isaiah received through God regarding Cyrus was nearly 150 years before the Persian king was born.  How many times the Bible reminds us that God’s Plan - that is revealed throughout the Bible and continues even now through to the prophecies of the Revelation - has been in place “from before the foundation of the world!”  Cyrus was predestined, prophesied to deliver the Jews from the Babylonian captivity and to decree and enable the rebuilding of the temple…even before his birth.  How does another reminder of predestination affect my faith…my living?  Do I remember the purpose of God's Plan – that sinful man might be brought into eternal fellowship with holy God, to glorify Him, praise Him and enjoy Him forever?  Am I remembering to praise Him for Who He is, for what He has done for me in Christ, learning to enjoy Him, to walk with Him moment-by-moment through the leading of His Spirit within me?  Is the Holy Spirit having such control over my life that His fruit is produced in my walk?  Do I more clearly understand – from a Biblical perspective – why the flesh and the Spirit still war within me and outwardly with those who “practice” the works of the flesh.

I have not said to Jacob’s descendants, “Seek me in vain.”  Isaiah 45:19
Our text gives us assurance God will answer prayer, because He has “not said to Jacob’s descendants, ‘Seek Me in vain.’”  ...Many fearful people have been troubled by their suspicion that there may be something in God’s decree that shuts them out from hope, but today’s verse is a complete refutation to that troublesome fear, because no true seeker can be condemned to His wrath…Therefore, O fearful one, believe this sure truth:  your prayer must and will be heard; and never, even in the secrets of eternity, has the Lord ever said to any living soul, “Seek Me in vain.”
Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

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