Friday, August 16, 2013

When Faith and Flesh Wrestle - Day 227 Through the Bible

In the cabin garden - fall-like weather beginning
My Lessons and Applications from Today's Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation)

Job's Tragedy - Faith Wrestling Against Flesh - Job 23, 24 and 25 - "Oh, that I knew where to find come to His present my case before know the words which He would answer me...and understand what He would say to me...Would He contend with me?  No, He would answer me...and I would be delivered forever from my Judge.  I go forward, He is not there...backward, I cannot perceive Him... on the left, I cannot behold Him...on the right, I cannot see Him...BUT HE knows the way that I take...When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold...My foot has held fast to His steps...I have kept His way and not turned aside...I have not departed from the commandment of His lips...I have treasured the words of His mouth, more than my necessary food.  Job continues his contemplation from a human perspective of the works of the wicked and the seeming incongruity that "God does not charge them with wrong" - 24:12 - (also see blog post Job's Magnum Opus of Faith); then he views the wicked from his faith perspective - from his personal knowledge and walk with God, from the "BUT GOD" perspective (24:22-25).  Then Bildad poses the greatest human-dilemma question:  "How can man be made righteous before God?  Or how can he be pure who is born of a woman?"

His Word Written for our Learning  - Romans 15 - "whatever things were written before were written for our learning...that...we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures...might have hope.  Now may the God of patience...and comfort...grant you to be like-minded toward one another according to Christ may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in may abound in the power of the Holy Spirit."

My Lessons and Applications:  The answer, of course, to Bildad's question (and Job's) is also given in Scripture.  There is only one way for man to be made righteous and pure before God - by the atoning and sacrificial work of Jesus Christ on our behalves on the Cross and in His resurrection.  The curtain is torn that divides sinful man from Holy God, giving us direct access as believers to the very throne of Almighty God, imputing to us the very righteousness of Christ (Romans 4:22-25).  Many scholars believe Job to be the oldest book of the Bible, which makes the contemplations and faith of Job even more remarkable.  Note how much of Job's conversation focuses on God, and that focus leads Him to right thinking - the truth - and right living.  It also leads to His direct communion with God regarding his circumstances, as we will see in the coming chapters. Is my focus on coming to God's throne, hearing from Him, pleading my case before Him, searching for Him, for His truth in His Word? Job also found his hope, peace and comfort in his walk with God (Romans 15) but...when circumstances and ungodly counselors pulled him away from God, then the torment began. Job had to continually keep bringing himself back to God, and that is what I have to do.  It is in communion with God, in His Word, that I too am able to rise out of the "slough of despond" and wrong thinking and living.  Am I maintaining the necessary time alone with Him, in His Word, walking throughout the day in the light of His counsel?

"We would like to see Jesus." (John 12:21) "If only I knew where to find Him!" (Job 23:3)  Happy is the one who has but one desire, if that desire is focused on Christ, for when the soul begins to focus on Him, it is a blessed sign of God working within the heart.  Such a person will never be content with mere religious rituals, but will say, "I want Christ.  Mere rituals are of no use to me.  I want Jesus Himself, and offering these to me is like offering me an empty pitcher when I am dying of thirst.  Jesus is my soul's desire.  I would like to see Jesus.
Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

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