Saturday, August 24, 2013

And On the Fifth Day, God Created the Horse---Day 235 Through The Bible

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill
God continues expounding the wonders of His creation to Job in chapter 39.  He showcases the wild mountain goat, the deer, and the bear, the wild donkey, the wild ox, the ostrich, the horse, the hawk, and the eagle.  A horse is a phenomenal creature to observe with the realization that God designed and created these stately stallions.  God asks Job in verse 20, "Have you given the horse strength?  Have you clothed his neck with thunder? Can you frighten him like a locust? His majestic snorting strikes terror.  He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength; he gallops into the clash of arms".  He continues with the description of a horse's fearlessness as he goes into battle without hesitation: "He devours the distance with fierceness and rage"!

Job wisely "covers his mouth with his hand" in chapter 40, as he finds himself left with nothing he can say to this Creator-God.  His statement, "Behold, I am vile", is not unlike Isaiah's "I am a man of unclean lips" response when Isaiah also found himself in the presence of God. The realization of who we are (and perhaps more importantly--what we are not) in comparison to God brings an awareness of our need to "behave wisely" before the Glorious Creator and Life-giver.  David says, "I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.  I will set nothing wicked before my eyes . . a perverse heart shall depart from me; I will not know wickedness" (Psalm 101:1-4). (Proverbs 9:10, puts it this way, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding".)

Yesterday's readings included a commentary by Dr Stanley on "What happens when we praise God?"
--First of all, "praise magnifies God". It gives us a break from the futility of a fallen world and sets our feet on solid ground.
--"Praise humbles us".  Like Isaiah and Job, we see who we really are and our pride is knocked right out of us.
--"Praise reveals our devotion to God". If I love Him, I will be found praising Him.
--"Praise motivates us to holy living". We just saw this in Psalm 101, where David wrote, "I will sing of mercy and justice; To You, O Lord, I will sing praises".  In the following verses we read of the transformation that occurred in David's heart by the renewing of his mind by his act of worship.
--"Praise increases our joy". Dr. Stanley points out that "joy is the constant companion of praise".
--"Praise establishes our faith."  Again, faith is not blind.  The more we realize the greatness of God, the more we will trust Him, and the greater our joy!
--"Praise elevates our emotions."  Heartfelt praise to God lifts our spirits and sets us on a higher plane.

Paul's reprimand of the Corinthians completes today's readings. In the midst of this warranted correction he reminds them (and us) of the reality and seriousness of their/our status: "But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God"!  Paul continues in verse 12, "All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any"!  Continually renewing our minds through God's word and through worship and praise of God our Creator will truly result in the transformation of our hearts and lives (Romans 12:2). When we really contemplate the beauty of a horse, we must stand in amazement--not only of the animal, but of the magnificent God who created such a magnificent creature!

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