Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Word of God--Owning It!---Day 87 Through the Bible

                                              Experiencing the Word of God might be compared to 
                                                                      experiencing the beauty of God's Creation.
                                It seems we can never get enough of either--we can never get enough of God!

God knew Israel would one day seek to have a king like the nations around them.  He gave instructions in Deuteronomy 17, as to how they were to choose their king.  As king, their leader was instructed by God to “write for himself a copy of this law in a book”.  “And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God”.  God goes on to list the blessings that are to follow.

While we may not be “kings”, this scripture remains profitable for us (2 Tim. 3:16).  I have found it beneficial to write out verses and passages of scripture from time to time. God wanted the king, and He wants us to “own” the scriptures. When we "own" something we are involved with it.  When we “own” a project, a house, a car, etc., it becomes personal and we become involved with it.  Hopefully, we are coming to “own” this daily Bible study:  we are eager to open the Bible, we take note of thoughts that are triggered by certain verses, we visualize passages, we find ourselves meditating on what we've read, we apply it to personal situations in our lives.  We are “learning to fear the Lord”.  God allows us the freedom to take it to the depths we choose.

This study is teaching us to be attentive to what God says and brings us an awareness of how He feels about things. God is being revealed to us--we are coming to "know" God!  Studying God's Word also brings us to a humble state of mind.  (The word "presumptuous" is mentioned a couple of times in today's scriptures.) We also come to understand how superior God’s thoughts are to how we think.  As we are learning the extent of God’s love for us we are less likely to turn aside from His way.  As we read about the contrast between the righteous and the wicked, we may consider people’s lives we have known that verify the truth of God’s Word. 

Jesus’ example is priceless for us.  The power of truth is revealed in Luke 4.  The account of Jesus’ battle with the “father of lies” sets the precedent for our own spiritual battles, in knowing and quoting scripture in times of trial and temptation.  May we faithfully study God's Word and become skilled in using the spiritual lessons God is teaching us.  

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart:  for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.  Jeremiah 15:16

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