Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jesus Doeth All Things Well--Day 61 Through the Bible


 “(Jesus) has done all things well” (Mark 7:37). This is truth and it is reflected in the beauty of the universe and throughout all creation. It takes longer to discern this truth in our personal lives when we are in the throes of disappointment or suffering; however, we can rest assured that this truth remains--Jesus does all things well!

Today in Numbers chapter 1, we read God's detailed instructions for the organization of the tribes of Israel into one unit that would stand with Moses in case of war. God instructed Moses in regards to the taking down and setting up of the tabernacle by the tribe of Levi only. He told them where they would set up camp in relation to the tabernacle and to each other. Too many times we fail to do things God's way because we don't see the need. There is a tremendous lesson here. God sees so much more than we do, His ways far surpass our ways (Isaiah 55:9), He knows what is coming down the pike. Our part is to trust Him. The more we know about Him, the more we will be able to understand that He knows what He is talking about. And, the more I obey Him the more blessed my life will be.

As I learn more about God, I can grasp more fully the need to listen for His voice. The fact that as a human being I can be attuned to God is a miracle in itself. I didn't make it happen, but God opened this door through the death of His Son that paid for this privilege for me. And to know that it will result in blessings for me, should create an increased attentiveness to God and what He says in His Word.

It does not surprise God when I mess up--and maybe I waste too much time bemoaning my failures. I was putting away a pile of clothes I had gradually added to and feeling dismayed that I don't always put everything away, when the thought came to me--"this is not my salvation". I put the clothes away, but this time did not agonize over my lack of neatness. Instead, I enjoyed a moment of thankfulness from my heart that God loves me regardless of what I do. This serves to endear Him to me even more. However, He is concerned about what comes from my heart and Jesus takes time to list the issues of the heart that warrant concern: "evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these things come from within and defile a man" (Mark 7:20-23).

 God says He will engrave His laws on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 10:16). David cried out to God and asked, “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10). We can be confident with the Apostle Paul, that “He who has begun a good work in (us) will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). In the midst of our weakness and neediness, we can rejoice in the truth that Jesus does all things well!

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