Saturday, March 30, 2013

Launching Out Into the Deep---Day 89 Through the Bible

                                             Balsam Lake, in Jackson County, can be accessed from 
                                                          the Blue Ridge Parkway and is one of many tranquil lakes
                                                            to be enjoyed  in Western NC. The Parkway intersects
                                                                        with Hwy. 80, not far from Mt. Celo Church.

In Luke 5:1, we read, "the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God".  There was something about Jesus that drew people to Him. There was a difference between Jesus and the religious leaders of the day.  Jesus was not there to lay guilt on them (John 3:17), neither to take advantage of them.  Jesus' motives were pure--He had no ulterior purposes.  This was attractive and refreshing for the multitudes. Before we can share the gospel with someone, earning their respect to do so is paramount.  We cannot come across as belonging to the status quo and expect to be heard.  We can always look to Jesus' example as a template for a Christian life.  He respected people, took time for them, and was gentle even when He was suffering.  Love does not fail people and Jesus was love come in the flesh.

Here in Luke, we see Jesus "borrowing" Simon Peter's boat so that He could teach the people who were gathered to hear Him.  His voice would carry across the water and they would be able to see Him from the shore.  Jesus blessed Peter and the fishermen with an astonishing catch of fish following the use of his boat. (Generosity and appreciation tend to be the exception in our present culture, however, both are attractive.)  When Jesus told them to "launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch, Peter pointed out they had fished all night and caught nothing.  To their great surprise they caught so many fish their nets began to break.  The other boat came to help out and both boats were filled with fish to the point of beginning to sink.  When Peter saw it, "he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!"

We are experiencing coming to know the Lord in this daily Bible study.  There has never been a life that could equal the life Jesus lived.  While He attracted attention He would also become the source of  controversy that has continued until this day.  Multitudes continue to be drawn to His message.  As Jesus' disciples today, may we live in obedience to Him so that our light shines and we earn the respect of those who are in dire need of hearing the gospel.  May we stand in awe as we draw closer to the God of the Bible and may we be "astonished" at what we learn, preparing ourselves to "catch men", as we continue "launching out into the deep". 

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