Friday, June 14, 2013

Restoration and Commissioning by Jesus - Day 164 Through the Bible

On the cabin porch - flowers of encouragement from a fellow believer
My Gleanings from the Readings

Continued Ruling Pattern of Kings of Israel and Judah - 2 Kings 15 and 16) - These chapters skim the history and the unbroken pattern of the kings of God's chosen people.  In Israel:  Zechariah, Shalum, Menahem, Pekehiah and Pekah; In Judah: Azaraiah, Jotham, and Ahaz.  All the kings of Israel continued in the evil way of their fathers - "causing the people of Israel to sin."  The legacies of these kings were usury, extortion, idol worship, murder, and conspiracy.  The first two monarchs of Judah "did what was right in the sight of the LORD, but...the high places and sacrifices there were not removed."  The one main thing God has asked - no other gods before Him - is still being ignored.  King Ahaz of Judah brings his nation and people to a new low - aligning Judah with Assyria to protect against Israel and Syria, and paying bribes to the king of Assyria from the house of the LORD.  The downward spiral continues with the priest being told to build a new altar in the pattern of the one in Damascus.  Ahaz desecrates the sacred things of the LORD'S house, brings the bronze altar to the pagan  altar, and removes the Sabbath pavilion and the outer entrance from the house of the LORD...on account of the king of Assyria.

My Lessons and Applications:  This downward spiral of sin we have discussed and have seen in lives around us - if not in our own.  Azariah and Jotham were good kings EXCEPT for the idol worship not being destroyed in the high places.  Leaving this sin does not make it go away, of course.  It metastasizes, permeates all the decisions of the king, leading to evil political alliances, the introduction of foreign sacrifices and even a foreign altar.  God warned them of this very thing over and over, and they knew their own history of idolatry.  What about our generations, our own lives?  Are we "doing what is right in the eyes of the LORD", except for....That one exception may well lead to our destruction or that of our children.  Psalm 139:23-24: Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.

Breakfast by the Sea / Restoration and Commissioning of Peter - John 21- Jesus is appearing to the disciples for the 3rd time after being raised from the dead.  The Risen Lord is preparing a meal for the hungry, unsuccessful fishermen.  He calls them in to join Him, takes the bread and fish and gives it to them.  After they have eaten, His thoughts and teaching turn to the dejected, humiliated Peter.  Three times he had denied knowing Christ after the crucifixion.  Now, three times Christ asks Peter if he loves Him.  Peter is devastated.  "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love you."  With each question and each affirmative answer, Jesus gives a command.  "Feed My lambs...Tend My sheep...Feed My sheep".  Jesus then tells Peter by what manner he will die - a death that will glorify God.  And then the Lord gives the same command as when he first called the disciples to their ministry: "Follow Me."

My Lessons and Applications:  So much of the teaching of Jesus was centered around feeding literal food to those listening to Him and preceded or followed by His giving of spiritual food.  I have seen this in my own extended family and with friends as well.  Maybe this is the time when our minds are most receptive to hearing important truths.  These times of communion can either be filled with blessing for our lives or destruction - depending on the speakers.  I think the Proverb from today (18:20-21) speaks to this:  "A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."  Do I remember this EVERY time I open my mouth.  Jesus spoke words of encouragement and rebuke but never out of malice or rage.  He spoke truth for the glory of God, for the eternal well-being of His hearers.  These same metaphors of food and care of others are in His commands to Peter at this breakfast...feed....tend...follow I have done, you do also - in life and in your ordained manner of dying.  Peter had denied the Lord with words and is now restored and commissioned to feed and tend - lead and care for the Lord's people - because of His love for the Lord.  This will mostly be done through his words - his writings.  Do I love the Lord?  Will I also follow this command to feed and tend His people out of love for Him, to follow Him?

"Sin blunts feeling...the word of the Lord pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit; there is no deception left."  Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

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