Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eyes Opened to See the Chariots and Horses of Fire - Day 159 Through the Bible

The Prayer Tower at High Pastures Christian Retreat in Burnsville, NC, near Mt. Celo Church.  The inscription on this is from today's reading - Proverbs 18:10: "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."

At a recent gathering with fellow believers a book was mentioned entitled, "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit."  This intrigued me and is something I have alluded to in several posts that I called "Shades of_____", followed by the Biblical character's name.  It brought me to a point of meditation and repentance before God that I should not look to unmask these wrong spirits only in others, but predominantly in myself.  Today's readings were very revelatory in that regard.

Unmasking the Spirit of Naaman - 2 Kings 5 - Syria has just defeated Israel through the great military strategy of Naaman (who, of course, was under God's Mighty Hand in bringing judgment against Israel.)  A young Jewish girl is taken captive in the household of Naaman and suggests that Naaman, who is a leper, might be healed by the prophet of God, Elisha.  With bountiful gifts of silver, gold and clothing, the king of Israel is given a letter to heal Naaman.  The king knows he cannot do this and tears his clothes in sorrow of what is to come.  Elisha hears of the king's distress, sends a messenger to Naaman, and commands the leper warrior to dip 7 times in the river Jordan.  Naaman is "furious"..."enraged" because Elisha had not come to him personally and called on the name of his God to heal the leprosy and had asked him to dip in the Jordan rather than rivers of his own country.  Happily, the servants of Naaman convince him that it is a simple request, so why not do it.  He does as commanded, is healed of the leprosy and becomes a believer in the God of Israel.

My Lessons and Applications:  Do I become obstinate, defiant, furious, enraged when I have come to God (or someone godly) for help and their advice is not what I expected or wanted to hear or does not meet with my preconceived ideas and expectations?  Am I willing to humble myself, or do I feel that is beneath my dignity?  Do I think my way is the only way to do something?  Am I missing out on God's greatest blessings because of this?

Unmasking the Spirit of Gehazi - 2 Kings 5 - Gehazi is the prophet Elisha's servant.  Elisha refuses the gifts of Naaman for the healing of the leprosy, but Gehazi secretly covets them.  He runs after the warrior's chariot, in a desperate act of subterfuge asks for money and clothes for the sons of the prophets (they are really for himself), hides the ill-gotten treasures, and lies to Elisha when the prophet unmasks the fraudulent activity.  The curse:  Gehazi and his descendants will have the leprosy of Naaman cling to them forever.

My Lessons and Applications: Am I constrained and restrained by God's commands, by what God has ordained for me at a certain time, or do I feel justified in getting something (or someone - a mate, friend) for myself when I know that the Holy Spirit is leading me to not do that very thing.  Note Elisha's question to Gehazi after he has been found out and confronted in his sin of covetousness:  "Is it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants?  The obvious answer with the curse was "no."  Am I willing and able to wait on God's timing, knowing His time, His will, His way are best?

 Unmasking the Spirit of Elisha's Fearful Servant 2 Kings 6 - Syria is coming against Elisha to kill him.  His prophecies and prescience have given away the military movements of the enemy to Israel.  A great Syrian army with horses and chariots have come and surrounded the city.  The fearful servant looks out and cries, "Alas, my master!  What shall we do?"  In one of the greatest of all the Biblical stories, Elisha prays that God will open His young servant's eyes of faith - to see the spiritual reality juxtaposed to the physical reality.  "And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." 

My Lessons and Applications: When the circumstances I am in scream defeat and failure, am I able to do as Dr. Charles Stanley says:" ...remember God's promises,...recall His past victories in my life and in the lives of the saints...reject discouraging words from yourself or others...recognize the true nature of the battle (it is a spiritual battle and is the Lord's battle)...respond to the challenge with a positive confession (of my belief in and trust in the Lord no matter what)...rely on the power of God (not my own)...reckon the victory." Will I remember that God is sovereign and providential - even in this horror, sorrow or difficulty?  Will I give Him my trust in the circumstance for His honor and glory to be revealed?  

Unmasking the Spirit of Simon Peter in the Garden and in Denying Christ (John 18) Peter has cut off the ear of Malchus, one of the men arresting Jesus in the garden.  He is chastised by Jesus.  "Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?" Peter denies being one of Jesus' disciples after the Lord has been arrested.  "Now the servants and officers had made a fire...It was cold, and they warmed themselves.  And Peter stood with them and warmed himself."

My Lessons and Applications:  Have my spiritual eyes been opened through my study of the Word, through constant prayer and time with God, through obeying the leading of His Holy Spirit within me?  Am I look beyond the difficulty, the shattered dreams and hopes, the ruined life to believe through the eyes of faith that God has ordained even this...that I may not understand the circumstance but I know and trust the Lord who has led me here? Am I willing to drink the cup He has given me?  With whom am I standing and warming myself?

We are not just messengers - but messages.  What do people read when they read you?
(Heard in a sermon by S. Lewis Johnson)

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