Monday, April 15, 2013

Discern The Time - Day 105 Through the Bible in a Year

The world's only functioning quilt block sundial? - part of the Quilt Trails of Western North Carolina - located in Burnsville, NC, near Mt. Celo Church
Applying Scripture to My Daily Walk

Discern The Time - Have you ever discerned a time when each member of the Holy Trinity spoke to you emphatically about something?  Perhaps God was speaking to you through His Word, Jesus through an event you have discussed with Him, the Holy Spirit so quickening you about a person or place?  Some may call this intuition, or déjà vu, "just a chemical reaction", or some other New Age moniker or explanation.  But those of us who spend our lives communing with the Living God, KNOW when He is speaking.  Surely, there are times when we wait and are uncertain about His leading, but I am not speaking to those times now.  This is when God is present with you, speaking to your soul, and you know to be on "high alert."..though you may not know why at the time or even later.  Anne Graham Lotz does a more effective telling of this in her book and videos, "Just Give Me Jesus."  I am wondering if many of us are getting the same divine leadings.

Lesson/ Application: Today's readings are an example of how God has - for quite a number of years - been alerting me to discern the time and its manifestations - the panic...fear...uncertainty...oppression of one group controlled by the rage, bitterness, ridicule, manipulation of another group.  I believe this is one reason in both the OT and the NT that God and Jesus remind us over and over to not fear, not worry, be of good courage.  I am being led daily - sometimes in very difficult life changes, to wake up, study and commune with God deeply, get out, speak out, accordance with His be one of many He is calling to stand in the lift up, lift out, encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to take a stand now.  God is strongly moving in our midst, and I am getting that trumpet call to watch, be prepared.  Are you?

Places of Refuge: (Joshua 20)  In Joshua 19, the land division is complete.  God has portioned out each tribe's inheritance.  In Chapter 20 there is a familiar divine provision for the future in a new land.  Recall how many times God has commanded and reminded the people to set up cities of refuge in a new place - within walking distance.  When God repeats commands, we do well to give extra consideration.

Lesson / Application: Why cities of refuge?  I believe it is because God understands the human heart and this fallen world so well...and because He is ever gracious and merciful.  Mistakes are made - sometimes horrible ones, unintentionally.  Rage, anger and revenge take over minds and emotions - often without cause or reason.  God is providentially putting in place sanctuaries...places of refuge...when we find ourselves in dangerous places surrounded by the bitterness, anger, and evil of this time.  Where are these places of refuges now?  The church? Homes of believers? Within the fellowship of believers?

God Is Our Refuge: (Psalm 46: 1-6)  God is not only our refuge...our hiding place...our shelter...our sanctuary - He is our strength...a very present help in trouble...therefore, we will not fear - no matter what happens...God is in the midst of His people. He now tabernacles with us.  He is our help.

Lesson / Application: Is my work in the Great Commission leading others to this place of refuge and strength in God?  Is my local church an extension of God's mercy and grace to a hurting world seeking a place of refuge?

Go From the Presence of a Foolish Man (Proverbs 14: 7-11) - Notice throughout the Bible as God commands His people to go away from...get out of...have nothing to do with certain places, people, and things.  The discerning manifestations here are:  the prudent - wisdom and understanding; the fool - does not speak with knowledge, is deceitful.

Watch / Be Prepared (Luke 12: 35-39) "Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning...wait for your master...when he comes, open to him immediately...blessed are those servants whom the master finds the first watch...the second watch...the third watch...know this...if he had known the hour...he would have watched...not allowed his house to be broken into...therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect...faithful, wise steward...ruler over his them their portion of food in due season...blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes." (Be prepared; Watch)

Lesson / Application:  Am I preparing myself through study of Scripture, time alone with God, acting on what the Spirit reveals to me? Is my local church taking seriously these warning of Jesus - to prepare, to watch, to be ready?

To Whom Much is Given, Much Will Be Required: (Luke 12:48)  Charles Stanley:  ...our gifts, talents and resources are not merely for spending on ourselves but to be used to expand His kingdom and to meet the needs of others, especially fellow believers.

Know The Cost of Discipleship:  Division - even among family members - will be a natural manifestation of those who are followers of Christ and those who aren't.

You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time? 
(Luke 12:56)

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