Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Choosing Desired Outcomes---Day 92 Through the Bible

                                What we "catch" in life can be determined to some extent by where we "fish".
                                                              (Balsam Lake in Western NC)

It's frustrating to be in a position where you don't know exactly what to do.  God in His love and mercy does not leave us in the dark about what He expects.  He allows us to choose.  However, He makes it clear that in our choosing, we need to remember we are also choosing consequences.  Some paths result in good consequences and blessings while other paths bring less than desirable consequences.  Moses and the elders of Israel instructed the people to "write very plainly on the stones all the words of this law".  God clearly tells us in His Word what is right and what is wrong.  Moses, the priests, and Levites cautioned the people to "take heed and listen. . .this day you have become the people of the Lord your God" (Deut. 27).

Israel was on the verge of entering the Promised Land and how they would fare would depend on whether they remained faithful to God and acknowledged Him in what they undertook.  God laid out for them a comprehensive list of actions that would result in blessings and those that would result in curses.  God never changes.  As believers, we are certainly not under the penalty of the law because Christ has paid the penalty for us.  However, God has not changed His mind about sin and sin continues to be linked to curses ("undesirable outcomes" in today's terms) that accompany sin.  As believers in Christ, we have been freed from the bondage of sin--not freed to commit sin.  God has not done away with penalties that accompany wrong choices.  This should be obvious as we observe the rampant consequences of sin in the world today.

While we desire blessings in our lives, our hope is in God and not in a life free from problems.  However, we will without doubt, face more than enough challenges in our lifetime without incurring the consequences of sin.  If we are truly born-again believers, we will produce the fruits of the Spirit.  We will be closely connected to the Vine (John 15) and will struggle against desires that would return us to the bondage of sin along with its consequences.  When we come to Him, hear His voice (His Word), and apply what He says in our lives, Jesus says we have dug a deep foundation and we will not be moved.

God expects us to build our lives on Him.  If we are doing so, we won't have time to "play with sin".  Once we begin to see who God is and what a relationship with Him involves, we will be drawn to follow Him more and more.  He will energize us and our lives will become a daily walk with Him.  Israel did not have a spiritual connection with God.  They did not have access to God as we do.  We are blessed to have the Holy Spirit dwell in us from the moment we believe.  Yet, it is our choice whether we will hear and follow God's leading.  Father, help us remove the spiritual beams from our own eyes, to love our enemies, to exhibit mercy, to forgive, to not condemn, and to follow Your example and become givers, expecting nothing in return.  Enable us to exhibit Your qualities and to let our lights shine in this spiritually dark world as sons and daughters of the Most High! 

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