Saturday, July 27, 2013

Obeying The Promptings of God---Day 207 Through the Bible

The South Toe River is full at present due to an extremely wet spring and summer.

In today's scriptures we see both Nehemiah and Paul being directed by God to accomplish a work of God. Nehemiah was working to restore the broken down walls of Jerusalem.  Paul was on his final journey to Rome--by ship, to appear before Caesar.

Nehemiah's quality of perseverance stands out in chapter 6 of Nehemiah. Sanballat (even the name has an evil ring to it) wanted to stop God's work and four times he invited Nehemiah to come meet with him.  Nehemiah recognized that Sanballat was seeking to harm him, and four times he refused, saying he was doing a great work and could not leave it.  Do we cave under an enemy's persistence? It is really easy to finally give in when someone or something keeps pushing us.  Nehemiah's persistent refusal to meet with Sanballat speaks volumes of his character and dedication to God.  Do we, like Nehemiah remain focused on what is right when we are hard pressed to lose our focus?  It could be something we are physically working on for God or more than likely it could be on a spiritual level--a characteristic God is building in us--such as patience or perseverance.

Nehemiah was obviously close to God and faithfully asked for God's help. In Paul's situation, God sent an angel to reassure Paul that he nor those with him on the ship would perish in the persistent storm. But how does God put things in our hearts today?  Dr. Stanley writes this in today's "Life Lessons": "(God) may use our own observation and experience, the counsel of others, or perhaps work more directly. However He does it, we walk in the Spirit when we obey His initial promptings."

Dr. Stanley also writes this lesson for us regarding Nehemiah: "A solid prayer life and a close relationship to God do not minimize the need for clear and extensive thinking.  Rather, these things empower and sharpen our thoughts".  Nehemiah's faith in God served to clear his thinking and sharpened his thoughts regarding Sanballat's requests. He saw through the plot to strike fear in his heart so that he would go into hiding in fear for his life.  Nehemiah's response: "Should such a man as I flee? And who is there such as I who would go into the temple to save his life?  I will not go in!"  Being a man close to God--this just did not add up for Nehemiah.  Are we close enough to God that He can impart His wisdom to us?

Nehemiah and Paul encouraged others by their faith and by their example. "When times get hard, those who do not have a relationship with God can take courage from those who do---if believers maintain and display their trust in the Lord" (Dr. Stanley's commentary on Acts 27:25).  We are facing uncertain times in the United States, as well as in other countries, that are unprecedented.  Will those of us who know God be spiritually prepared to help those who are fearful and confused by events that may occur? Drawing ever closer to God will not only serve to keep our own feet on solid ground, but to be a Nehemiah or a Paul for our loved ones and neighbors in the midst of deceitful propositions or in the tempest of a seemingly never ending storm!  Will we be ready to exemplify unswerving faith in God during such times of trouble?  We will be if we are doing so in the "little things" now!

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