Friday, September 20, 2013

Return to God - Day 262 Through the Bible

This weekend - a tour of our area farms - ASAP - Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project - near Mt. Celo Church 
My Lessons and Applications from Today’s Readings
(Ellipses are mine and are used for contemplation)

WOE to the Rebellious Children: RETURN TO GOD - Isaiah 30, 31, 32 (What It Says - Summarized) - These prophecies are for the Chosen Nation and People who have turned to idols, to other nations, to self rather than to God.  "The rebellious children...who take counsel but not of Me...who devise plans but not of My Spirit...add sin to in Pharaoh...but...have not asked My advice...THEREFORE, Egypt...Pharaoh...shall be your shame...your humiliation."  These rebellious children were "lying children...would not hear the law of the LORD...told seers to not see....prophets to not prophesy the right things but prophesy get out of the way... to cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from us."  These rebellious children now "despise the in and rely on oppression... and perversity." God calls them to " saved...that in confidence...shall be their strength.  But they would not."  Destruction will come, BUT "the LORD will wait that He may be gracious to you...that He might be exalted...that He may have mercy on you...for...the LORD is a God of justice...blessed are those...who wait for Him...He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry...When He hears it He will answer you...and though...the LORD gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction...yet...your teachers will not be removed...your eyes shall see your teachers...your ears hear shall hear a word behind you saying, 'This is the way...walk in it...whenever you turn to the left of to the right."  In obedience, the humbled children will turn away from, rid themselves of idols. Then God will, bless...bind up...heal...destroy their enemies...and they will glorify God. As for the wicked, "both he who helps and he who is helped will fall and perish together" The foolish, the schemers, the liars will be seen for what they are.   The last admonition is for the women:  "Rise up, you women, who are at complacent daughters...hear...give ear"...trouble and destruction are coming..."until the Spirit is poured on us from on high."  Then justice and righteousness will prevail among God's people, though destruction continues. "The work of righteousness...will be peace...the effect of righteousness...will be quietness...and assurance forever."

When All Else Fails / When God Has Allowed or Caused Destruction - Psalm 107:7-13 (What It Says - Summarized) - "Who will bring me...who will lead me?  Is it not You, O God, who cast us off...did not go out with our armies?  Give us help from trouble, for the help of man is useless.  Through God...we will do valiantly.  For it is He...who will tread down our enemies."

Faithfulness in Spite of Circumstances - 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 (What It Says - Summarized) Paul is boasting - not in himself - but in his infirmities, in his trials and tribulations...for the the Spirit...compelled by Jesus the glory of God.  From his own people, the Jews..from his own countrymen...from Gentiles...from false brethren...he received: whippings, beatings with rods, stonings, shipwreck, journeys, was in perils of water, in perils of robbers, in weariness, in toil, in sleeplessness, in hunger, in thirst, in fastings, in cold, in nakedness...yet...he remained faithful to God and to the churches he had established.  Here he admonishes the Corinthians for "putting up with one who brings you into who devours who takes from who exalts who strikes you on the face" yet not accepting the apostolic authority and suffering that Paul has endured for their sakes and the gospel's sake.

My Lessons and Applications: Where is my trust placed?  As Dr. Stanley asks in his commentary, "Where is my "Egypt?"  What are my "horses?"  What were the results of my going to ungodly people for help in time of need or trouble?  Of listening to counsel outside of the wisdom of God's Word?  Is my reliance on my material possessions?  Do I remember that all of this can be taken away suddenly? Have I learned that "the help of man is useless", that I need God? That husband, wife, children, parent, family, friend, other "professing" believers may desert me but that God never will? We have learned from the lives of Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Ruth, Job and above all, Jesus Christ, that the walk of faith will take us through some dark Providences as God does His kingdom work through us.  God calls us to "rise hear the voice of his prophets, His not be complacent in Isaiah 32.  This was not cautionary here to avoid trials and horror but to be faithful in the midst of the coming destruction through the power of His Spirit..."then...justice will dwell in the wilderness...righteousness will remain in the fruitful field...the work of righteousness will be peace...the effect of righteousness will be quietness and assurance forever...My people will dwell in a peaceful secure quiet resting places...THOUGH hail comes down on the forest, and the city is brought low in humiliation."

Paul became a sacramental personality; wherever he went, Jesus Christ helped Himself to his life.  Many of us are after our own ends, and Jesus Christ cannot help Himself to our lives.  If we are abandoned to Jesus, we have no ends of our own to serve...We have no right in Christian work to be guided by our affinities; this is one of the biggest tests of our relationship to Jesus Christ.  The delight of sacrifice is that I lay down my life for my Friend, not fling it away, but deliberately lay my life out for Him and His interest in other people, not for a cause.  
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

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