Monday, July 15, 2013

Success and the Downward Spiral - Day 195 Through The Bible

When Hidden Things are Revealed - An Unexpected Visitor at our Church Cookout - Mt. Celo Church
My Lessons and Applications from Today's Readings

The Hardened Heart that No Longer Responds to Warnings - 2 Chronicles 25 - King Amaziah reigned in Judah for 25 years and "did what was right in the sight of the LORD but not with a right heart."  As soon as he is established in his rule, he kills the murderers of his father, King Joash (but spares their children because of the law of Moses), gathers his army and hires 100,000 choice men from Israel.  He is warned by a prophet of God not to make this unholy alliance with a people God has forsaken.  Amaziah listens, but he is most concerned about the lost wages to the soldiers.  The prophet says, "The LORD is able to give you much more than this."  These enraged, discharged Israelites invade, loot and kill 3000 in Judah.  The king battles Seir, kills 20,000, sets up their gods as his own.  The prophet warns him again, "Why have you sought the gods of the people, which could not rescue their own people from your hand?"  The prophet is not heeded, threatened with death and told to not prophesy.  The prophet ceases with these words, "I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this and not heeded my advice."  The foolish king provokes Israel, is defeated, Judah and the temple are plundered, and 15 years later -"after the time Amaziah turned away from following the LORD", his own people kill him.

The Prideful Heart Lifted Up to Its Own Destruction - 2 Chronicles 26 - Uzziah, the son of King Amaziah now reigns in Judah.  He begins with a loyal heart to God and is greatly blessed during his 52-year reign.  "He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God, and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him prosperous."  He builds and fortifies cities and towers, digs wells, has bounty agriculturally, makes great advances in military build-up and weaponry design "so his fame spread far and wide for he was marvelously helped till he became strong.  But when he was strong his heart was lifted up to his destruction."  He disobeyed the laws of God regarding the temple, tried to burn incense on the altar himself, was rebuked by 81 priests of Aaron, became enraged at them, was struck by leprosy by the LORD, was cast out and cut off from the house of the LORD and lived the remainder of his days as a leper in an isolated house.

The Godly Heart to Rule Corrupt People - Chronicles 27 - Little is said about King Jotham who is co-regent with his father Uzziah for 10 years during Uzziah's leprosy and then 6 years in his own reign.  He builds fortresses, towers, the Upper Gate in the house of the LORD, defeats the Ammontites and exacts high tributes from them "so Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God...but still the people acted corruptly." Jotham seems to have learned to fear and obey God after watching the tragic consequences of his father's apostasy.  Ungodly leadership for so long, however, has led the people into collective and individual godlessness, which manifests itself in corrupt actions.

My Lessons and Applications - The life stories are predictable with most of the kings and with most of us.  God blesses our initial obedience, then we reject Him - either through self-enthronement (pride), idolatry (wooden images, materialism, greed) or foreign alliances (trusting in man rather than in God.)  God warns us in Deuteronomy 8:10-18 about success and pride.  Our collective national psyche is this narcissism, and it rules the minds and lives of most of the materially successfully people here as well.  We see no need for God, we are so blessed.  This pattern changed in the kingly line when the son saw his mighty father stricken and cast down by God.  Will the return to godliness last?  What happened in America after 9-11?  How long did it last?  Charles Stanley comments on this:  "Our greatest tests often come not during times of weakness or tragedy, but in times of prosperity and success.  Pride brings down more men and women than any weapon of war ever invented."

Hearts Exposed - Acts 19:1-20 - Recall how the Holy Spirit had forbidden Paul to go to Asia in Acts 16.   Paul has now taught and reasoned daily for 2 years in the Ephesus school of Tyrannus "so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks."  Some believe; some are hardened and do not believe and speak evil of the Way. The Holy Spirit is so powerful in miracles through Paul - even clothing from his body is brought to heal the sick and cast out demons - that charlatans arise within the Jewish priesthood who attempt exorcisms calling on "the Jesus whom Paul preaches." The evil spirit in one claimed knowledge of Jesus and Paul but not of the charlatans who were overpowered, wounded and cast out by the evil spirit.  "Fear fell on them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified"; many believed and confessed, magic books worth 50,000 pieces of silver were burned, "so the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed."

My Lessons and Applications - 1) Even the demons know and believe Jesus is the Son of God  (James 2:19).  2) Paul and the gospel he preached were rejected by most; he endured incredible hostility, bodily harm and eventual death in his kingdom work, but he persevered in his teachings and writings (2 Corinthians 11).  His wealth was spiritual, not material, as with most of the NT saints as opposed to the OT kings.  3) Paul acknowledged that any miracles or power were of God, through the Holy Spirit, not of himself (Acts 14). 5) As with John the Baptist, Paul allows his role to be diminished so that Jesus is magnified (John 3:30). Do I obey God regardless of the consequences in my life?  Do I speak the truth of God and leave the consequences to Him?  Is God alone lifted up and glorified when He uses me in His kingdom work?

Charles Spurgeon - Morning and Evening on 2 Chronicles 25:9 "But what about the talents I paid for these Israelite troops?"  The man of God said, "The Lord can give you much more than that." If your situation becomes worse, let the money go.  You have not lost your treasure, for that is above, where Christ is seated "at the right hand of God" (Rom. 8:34).  Meanwhile - right now - the Lord causes "the meek to inherit the earth" (Matt.5:5) and "no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless." (Ps. 84:11)

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