Saturday, June 22, 2013

Choice Men, Virtuous Women, Times of Adversity, and The Gospel---Day 172 Through the Bible

                           With all the rainy weather we've had this Spring, there's no shortage of mushrooms
                                       to be discovered during a walk in the woods. May we also continue to discover 
                          the importance of godly leadership in our families and know where to turn in times of adversity.

In I Chronicles 7:1-8:40, the genealogy of the children of Israel's children continues. In this passage, men are described as "chief men", "mighty men of valor", and "heads of their fathers' houses". The children of Asher are described in 7:40, as, "heads of their fathers' houses, choice men, mighty men of valor, chief leaders. . their number was 26,000".  Our culture today would definitely benefit from men who could be described in such numbers and in this manner. We have too many houses with no leader, no father in the picture. We also lack "choice" men in our leadership positions. God warns us in the book of Malachi: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse".  On a personal level it is important that we respect God's order of leadership in our family and pray that families will be successful in their struggles against the current of culture that is attempting to override the family unit as God designed it. 

In times of adversity, we tend to search for something to hold onto, to make sense of circumstances.  Something that would give us hope, comfort us, brings us healing, give us direction, and set our feet on solid ground. In Psalm 77, the writer records such a time. Dr. Stanley gives us three steps in "fixing our thoughts": Pray our anxieties to God--put our frustrations and fears into words before God.  Then recall God's goodness toward us and thank Him and praise Him. Lastly, fix our thoughts on who God is--on His character, His faithfulness, and His loving and merciful kindness toward us. (Recalling a verse from the Bible or words from a Christian hymn to hold onto--especially in the wee hours of the night--has brought me peace on many occasions.)

Our reading in Proverbs 19, reminds us that each family member either contributes to having a home that is blessed or adds to its problems . A foolish son can bring his father to ruin (we can probably cite personal examples). A wife who is contentious and ever complaining--who focuses on and points out all she is unhappy with--is compared to a dripping faucet.  It is a blessing from God to have an inheritance to leave your children and it says a lot about the character of the father. A wife who is virtuous (Proverbs 31) "is from the Lord". When God made Eve, He recognized that Adam needed a companion and that it was not good for him to be alone. God intended for her to be a blessing for Adam, a helper. Proverbs 31:12, says, "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life".

Gamaliel advised the other Pharisees in Acts 5, to back off and leave the believers alone. His words might be considered prophetic--he told them if this was of God it could not be overthrown. If it were not, it would gradually come to nothing.  And, if it was of God, they would be fighting against God. Verse 40 says "they agreed with him", yet they called for the apostles and beat them and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus. (Did they really agree with what Gamaliel had said?).  More than 2,000 years later, the Gospel has not been overthrown and Jesus' name continues to be spoken in every country, and in every major language.  Pray for pastors to preach Jesus as the Christ with rejoicing and zeal, reaching fathers, mothers, and children with the Good News of the hope of new lives in Him!

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