Sunday, May 19, 2013

Covenantal Keeping - Day 138 Through The Bible

Discarded and found objects as the centerpiece 
My Lessons and Applications from Today's Readings

Covenantal Keeping - Another Reason David is a Man After God's Own Heart - (2 Sam 9 and 10) - I love these stories about David maybe more than the rest because of where he was in his life when these happen - at the pinnacle, after and in great battle victory, after the accumulation of much wealth.  David knew this was God's doing - not his own.  In the circumstance of life when most people fail... when all is well - health, wealth and happiness abound...when the need for God is no longer paramount...when men begin to say I did this myself...when men usually start to forget...David remembers.  He remembers his covenant with Jonathan - to provide for Jonathan's house - the house of Saul.  It was not the enemy David remembered, but the friend...the bring the crippled son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth, to his table for restore to him all that was Saul' provide caretakers and overseers for the son and his holdings.  Like his father, the son responds in sincere humility, with a servant's heart.  Then David remembers another king's son, whose father had been a friend of David's.  But this son returned David's kindness with evil for good and caused the deaths of tens of thousands of men loyal to the evil son.  He forgot, but David remembered.

My Lessons and Applications:  David took his counsel, his mindset, his pattern of behavior from the LORD.  He saw God's faithfulness to His covenantal promises, in spite of the constant faithlessness and forgetfulness of man toward God.  Though Saul treated David with murderous hatred, David chose to honor his covenant with Jonathan out of love and a thankful heart and to honor Saul and his house - not for Saul - but because Saul had been God's anointed. "Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?"  And to the son of the king of Ammon David said, "I will show kindness to Hanun, the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness to me.  David remembered.  The songs of David and the soul of David are ever toward His God.  We will see this to his dying day as his last actions are a zeal to ready everything for his son, Solomon, to build God's house.  David always remembered God above all.  "The Lord loves to honor those who honor Him, (1 Sam 2:20) and it is from David's lineage that the promised Messiah comes.  God remembers.

The God Of Miracles  (John 6)  It never ceases to amaze and humble me to watch how God works out His covenant in history and in this age...that Almighty God would descend to earth in a humble stable...that a poor, unmarried teenage girl was chosen as the mother of Jesus, the long-awaited Savior of the world... that the youngest, overlooked son - a dirty shepherd, was chosen to be Israel's greatest king...that a destitute, widowed, childless Moabite woman could marry the highly respected Boaz and become the grandmother of King David...that a Gentile harlot who saved the Israeli spies would be placed in the lineage of the Messiah...that godly, righteous Job could have his children and all he owned destroyed by Satan, remain loyal to God, and be restored with all and more by God...that God would send His only beloved Son to die for the salvation of sinful man, to bring more sons to glory...that 12 unschooled commoners would turn the world upside-down with this gospel of Jesus Christ, of how He the healed the sick, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dead to live, fed thousands with a few loaves and fishes, walked on water, calmed the raging seas...the only sinless Man who never owned a home, was hated, despised and crucified by those He came to save..of this ascended Lord who continues to make intercession for us at the right hand of God...who waits to welcome us home into eternity with Him.

My Meditation- God, open my eyes, my heart, my spirit, my see and understand You more moment by moment, to watch You continue to work now in the common, through the rejected, despised, outcast and forsaken as You continue to bring about Your kingdom work.  Enable me, through Your Holy Spirit to see what You have given me - not through earthly eyes of want and lack - but through the "much more" creative inworking and outworking of Your Son's Spirit within me, to miraculously use and empower this humble, sinful soul and life into one that honors and glorifies You and blesses Your people.  I love You, Father.  Thank You for loving those of us the world sees as unworthy and for exalting our humble status into children of God, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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