Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Final Reminders Before Dying - Day 107 Through the Bible

The Narrow Way: Road to the Prayer Tower at High Pastures Christian Retreat in Burnsville, NC near Mt. Celo Church.
Meditating on the Word of God

Final Reminders from Joshua:  (Joshua 23 and 24 and Luke 13: 23-25)  Joshua gathers the people to give them final reminders on this, his last day on earth.  Jesus is nearing the end of His mission at His first Coming - this is the progeny, the remnant of the group to whom Joshua spoke.  Joshua's reminders:  God did all of this...for you...all of the great exodus and the long wilderness bring you the Promised Land...and now He gives you rest...but only IF...1) you are very courageous...2) to keep...3) to do...all...that is written in the Book of the Law of turn aside from it...lest you go among these nations and become like them.  Do not...mention the names of other gods...nor serve them, nor swear by them.  Hold fast to the LORD...take careful heed to yourselves...know for certain...God has given you this victory over these nations.  Do not let them become thorns...scourges...snares and traps to you.  Remember... God took Abram...led him...multiplied him...plagued and destroyed his enemies...delivered...sent the hornet...BUT

Witnesses Before God for Future Generations - (Joshua 22:24, 24:22))  The people were beginning to understand their own unfaithful hearts.  For future generations, we...the first given land... are setting up this a reminder to future generations...that those of us on this side of the Jordan did as commanded...helped our brothers possess their lands on the other side...a witness that God was with us, and we were with God..that we were with you...a witness between you and us - unless future generations misunderstand and think we rebelled against God.  And Joshua knows their hearts, as did Moses.....if you forsake God and serve other gods, He will harm and consume you after He has done you good.  The people deny they will forsake God, and Joshua says, You are witnesses against yourselves.

Final Reminders from Jesus:  (Luke 13: 23-35) Jesus is reminding the people of their history - just as Joshua did.  He is also reminding them that just because they are part of the Chosen people among whom God and He, as Messiah, have done mighty works, this does not mean they will share in the kingdom of God.  "Depart from me you workers of iniquity.  I tell you there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out...:  It was then - in the time of the patriarchs and prophets - and now... a narrow way into the kingdom of God.  We have been taught... reminded over and over.  The Law of Moses was unable to save.  A new way is about to be opened for the salvation of in among the progeny of the Israelites of the exodus and the wilderness journey.  They have forsaken God...but God...still has His Master Plan to bring an unholy people into the eternal Promised Land with Holy God.  Jesus laments for His people who would not listen:  " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!  See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"'

Lessons / Applications:  Where are we now?...personally? a family? a nation? the church?
Are we willing to come to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?  Have we accepted the world's philosophy of living for self and materialism, or God's perspective of living for Him and His kingdom for His glory?  Is our house left desolate? Are we prepared to see Jesus?

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